WELCOME! to OBSTETRICS andGYNECOLOGY (and GUM). O&G block 8 weeks Obstetrics and Gynaecology Workplace learning.


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Presentation transcript:


O&G block 8 weeks Obstetrics and Gynaecology Workplace learning

AIMS Develop basic clinical skills Develop basic clinical skills History taking History taking Obstetric and gynaecological history Obstetric and gynaecological history Clinical judgement Clinical judgement Knowledge acquisition Knowledge acquisition Common obstetric / gynaecological problems Common obstetric / gynaecological problems Participate in workplace learning Participate in workplace learning Normal deliveries Normal deliveries Present cases Present cases Join in on ward rounds Join in on ward rounds Gain insight and understanding Gain insight and understanding Clinical Clinical Managerial Managerial Social Social Ethical / Legal Ethical / Legal

GUIDING PRINCIPLES Work as a valued member of the team Do not chase formulaic signatures; however it is YOUR responsibilty to document your attendance. It is expected that you will document approximately 42 educational sessions over 8 weeks to achieve satisfactory attendance See your Consultant supervisor often and pre-arrange meeting well in advance Practice: –history taking, examination, presentation, differential diagnosis, investigations and management Take ownership of your learning Be pro-active Be reflective

PROFESSIONALISM Introduce yourself to fellow health professionals, especially your consultant and their team ID Badges – at UHCW see Eva if you need update. For GEH (Sam Cook) and for Warwick (Jo Williams) Dress code – smart & professional Chaperone for ALL patients for clinical examination

EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME Induction - 3 day Core teaching block Teachings sessions/tutorials E-Modules Ethics session (mandatory) Log Books for workplace learning OSLERS (Objective Structured Long Examination Record)   feedback record

TEACHING SESSIONS University teaching –Alternate Friday full days Tutorials / teaching in O&G –80% attendance Mandatory ethics session –Ethics (23 rd September – UHCW) –Preparatory work Workplace based sessions (open invitation) –Quality of Care meetings (UHCW) / CTG meetings –Risk Management meetings –Multidisciplinary meetings e.g. oncology, perinatal mortality meetings, fetal medicine –Audit meetings

LOG BOOKS Learning and reflective diary Learning and reflective diary Provision for: Provision for: Antenatal experience Antenatal experience Gynae outpatient experience Gynae outpatient experience Gynae emergency experience Gynae emergency experience Labour Ward experience Labour Ward experience Core tutorials Core tutorials Core competencies: history, examination, passing a speculum Core competencies: history, examination, passing a speculum Reflections Reflections Other activities: tutorials, specialist clinics etc. Other activities: tutorials, specialist clinics etc.

END OF BLOCK ASSESSMENT FORM Portfolio cases –Knowledge –Clinical acumen and judgement –Reflection Clinical experience and attendance Clinical skill / competencies Signed by Consultant

SYLLABUS Core Skills in clinical situations Expected of FY1-2 –Good history taking –Competent examination (including speculum) –Routine tasks (admission clerking, insert ventflons, team communication, advise on common conditions) Core topics –Common presentations –Clinical context

WRITTEN EXAMINATION Last Wednesday of 9am (21 st October, 2015) Last Wednesday of 9am (21 st October, 2015) Bring log book + assessment form Bring log book + assessment form (signed off by consultant please!!!) Content:80% - common conditions Content:80% - common conditions 20% - challenging questions MCQ (100 marks): MCQ (100 marks): 20 single stem with 5 true/false responses 20 single stem with 5 true/false responses no negative marking no negative marking 30 minutes 30 minutes divided equally between obstetrics and gynaecology divided equally between obstetrics and gynaecology Patient management questions (100 marks): Patient management questions (100 marks): case description case description 10 case scenarios 10 case scenarios divided equally between obstetrics and gynaecology divided equally between obstetrics and gynaecology 90 minutes 90 minutes

OVERALL GRADE Distinction: achieve ‘excellent’ in 3 out of 5 components (of which one must be a written paper) –MCQ –PMQ –3 end-of-block Assessment components (evidenced by the log book) portfolio cases attendance clinical acumen/skills/competence

HOW TO FAIL ! Any portfolio case less than Satisfactory 3 portfolio cases not completed by week 8 An Unsatisfactory in any of the sections of the end of block assessment form or the written examination More than 2 Borderlines in any of the assessment areas log book which shows non-engagement (e.g. has less than 42 clinical/educational sessions documented)

EVALUATION Quality assurance: –Fill in evaluation forms for tutorials and lectures feedback or suggestions: –O&G Undergraduate Lead: Dr Jacky Woodman –UHCW O&G Undergraduate training co-ordinator: Eva Ntouni –Please to BOTH and feedback problems early so that they can be rectified quickly For specific site issues: Warwick O&G Undergraduate Lead : Dr Radhae Raghavan O&G Undergraduate Lead : Dr Radhae Raghavan Undergraduate Education Manager: Jo Williams – George Elliott Hospital O&G Undergraduate Lead: Dr Suzy Matts & Mr Gary Lawrence Undergraduate Education Manager : Sam Cook:-

CONTACT DETAILS Office: West Wing, 2 nd Floor, O&G Department Undergraduate Office, Clinical Sciences Building Tel:

Welcome to O&G! Enjoy the Block!