What is coals role in shaping the fate of the industrialized world?
How is coal formed?
How is Coal Mined? Choke damp: CO 2 White Damp: CO Fire Damp: CH 4
How Did Coal Lure the British to the Sea? Royal Navy kept strong to protect coal convoys Used coal ships in battles (Britain ruled the seas) London became vital center of commerce and cultural achievement Britain began building a global empire
The Industrial Revolution Begins Fueled by coal-smelting iron (steel) Invention of the steam engine to pump out water from mines and then transport coal to cities Railways built to transport coal cheaply and quickly Coal alone did not make the industrial revolution happen but it could not have happened without it!
The Rise of the US as a Superpower US has the worlds most coal deposits How did coal affect; The American Civil War? Expansion West? Organization of unions in US? The World Wars?
What Are The Environmental Effects of Coal Burning? Air Pollution Emits sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) a major cause of acid rain Emits carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) a major cause of global warming Emits Nitrogen Oxides (NO x ) a major cause of ozone depletion Mining causes arsenic and mercury to be released into water supplies
What is Temperature Inversion?
Should China Develop its Coal Industry? Coal burning stopped deforestation Deforestation in China has caused the Gobi Desert to spread (dust storms reaching the US) In the last 30 years the per capita income of Chinas poor has quadrupled
Has Coals influence on Humanity Been a Net Blessing or a Net Curse? Cleaner burning coal plants or renewable energy? Carbon Sequestration (pros/cons) Is it worth revising the current infrastructure? ($$$)