Creating a Campus Climate Survey that Fits Your Institution's Values Cathryn Turrentine Director of Institutional Research Keene State College
Goal: To give you the tools to create An institutionally authentic assessment With campus-wide agreement that findings are relevant to the institution, and The ability to use the findings to transform the institutional climate
Qualitative research methods: Document analysis Emergent theme coding Concern for trustworthiness and authenticity
Transformative Research Paradigm: Social justice orientation Effort to recognize and reduce the privilege accorded to the researcher Partnership between the researcher and the community Both questions and findings belong to the community Use of findings to promote community change Mertens, D. M. (2009). Transformative Research and Evaluation. New York: Guilford Press.
Quick Summary “Do a Campus Climate Survey.”
Quick Summary “Do a Campus Climate Survey.” Analyze Institutional Values around Diversity
Quick Summary “Do a Campus Climate Survey.” Analyze Institutional Values around Diversity Create a Locally Authentic Survey Instrument
Quick Summary “Do a Campus Climate Survey.” Analyze Institutional Values around Diversity Create a Locally Authentic Survey Instrument Findings Generate a Campus-Wide Conversation
Quick Summary “Do a Campus Climate Survey.” Analyze Institutional Values around Diversity Create a Locally Authentic Survey Instrument Findings Generate a Campus-Wide Conversation Conversation Leads to Cultural Change
Where to start?
Step 1: Don’t do it alone.
A broad-based research team (students/faculty/staff) Establishes community ownership of the study Makes findings more acceptable to the community at large Builds the research capacity of the community, reducing the privilege accorded to the researcher
Step 2: Round up institutional statements about diversity.
Where would you search on your own website?
Mission Vision Values Strategic Plan Core Curriculum Diversity Council Area Studies Programs Diversity Program/Support Offices Others??
Step 3: Find the common themes.
Questions for the research team:
What do we say we are trying to accomplish about diversity? Do our public statements match our actual values? Questions for the research team:
Step 4: Find survey items that fit your themes.
Themes Welcoming Environment Academic Support Diverse Relationships Diverse Curriculum Social Justice Survey Items 1._____________________ 2._____________________ 3._____________________ 4._____________________ 5._____________________ 6._____________________ 7._____________________ 8._____________________ 9._____________________ 10._____________________ Step 4: Find survey items that fit your themes.
Select a tone … positive or negative? Combination?
(Return to Step 1: Don’t do this alone.)
Questions for the research team:
Do the selected survey items accurately reflect our themes? Will the tone elicit participation? Questions for the research team:
Step 5: Be really careful about demographics.
How does your institution phrase questions about… Gender? Race/ethnicity? Sexual orientation? Citizenship/national origin? Religion?
Step 6: Select sample to enhance participation of invisible populations.
Transgender students
Step 6: Select sample to enhance participation of invisible populations. Transgender students Invisible Disabilities
Step 6: Select sample to enhance participation of invisible populations. Transgender students Invisible Disabilities Undocumented Immigrants
Step 6: Select sample to enhance participation of invisible populations. Transgender students Invisible Disabilities Undocumented Immigrants Lesbian, Gay, and bisexual students
Step 6: Select sample to enhance participation of invisible populations. Transgender students Invisible Disabilities Undocumented Immigrants Lesbian, Gay, and bisexual students When in doubt, survey the whole population.
Step 7: Data analysis – For positively stated items, compare responses by demographic groups.
Step 8: The findings belong to the whole community, and only they can take action.
Samples for your use: 1.Sample campus climate survey items 2.Sample campus climate survey, based on one created and used at Keene State College
Cathryn Turrentine Director of Institutional Research Keene State College 229 Main St. Keene, NH