Transition from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance
Feudal Pyramid King Lord Vassal Knight Serf or Peasant or Townspeople
Decline of Feudalism 1. Attacks on the Church 2. The Black Death 3. The Hundred Years War
The Church Weakens Medieval Monarchs opposed the Church’s political power because: Clergy and monasteries did not pay royal taxes. $ sent to Rome instead of Royal treasury Church courts competed with royal courts Church officials interfered in political matters.
Church Weakens Babylonian Captivity (1309 -1378) The Great Schism 1378 Church Weakens Babylonian Captivity (1309 -1378) The Great Schism 1378 * One Pope in Avignon, one in Rome Demands for reform * John Wycliff * John Huss Picture from John Wycliff’s Bible
Pieter Brueghel "the Elder" (c.1530-1569) THE TRIUMPH OF DEATH Pieter Brueghel "the Elder" (c.1530-1569)
The Black Plague Forms: pneumonic plague; septicemic plague; bubonic plague Spread – Silk Road through Gobi Desert Began in Sicily in 1347, hit Russia within 6 years Factor that led to spread = Ignorance BLACK PLAGUE KILLED 1/3 OF THE POPULATION
The Black Plague On the Left: The second pandemic of the Black Death in Europe (1347-51)
Joan of Arc
Hundred Years War War between France and Great Britain 1337-1453 English were winning for first 90 years due to advancements in technology. Long bow Cannons Mercinaries 1429 Joan of Arc led French Forces Absolute rule instituted by Louis XI
Medieval Marketplace
Town Life Middle Ages - towns were small and based on agriculture; people lived in the countryside nobles held most power; owned land and provided knights for protection Status determined by birthright Renaissance towns grew society began to be based on commerce; people moved to cities Middle class gains power; limited power of feudal lords through charters; organized banks Status determined by wealth and ability
Growth of Italian City States
Rise of Renaissance 1. Growth of Cities 2. Rise of Merchant/Middle class 3. Rise of Humanism
Renaissance Definition: Rebirth of ancient Greek and Roman art, learning and culture FIVE THEMES Individualism Worldliness Learning Antiquity Reform
Humanism Individualism: belief in the human potential Learning: -studied Greek, Latin, astronomy, math, literature, history Petrarch
Age of Discovery Worldliness 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue
Protestant Reformation -challenge the old order -rise of secularism