Multiparameter Measuring Systems Modulyzer Series Multiparameter Measuring Systems
Details on the Instruments The Density Meter - DMA Generation M Master instrument of the Modulyzer system Oscillating U-tube principle DMA 5000 M is the most accurate density meter on the market GLP/GMP and 21 CFR Part 11 compatibility
Details on the Instruments Characteristic frequency of an oscillating U-tube depending on the density of the filled-in sample U-tube filled with air (low density high tone) U-tube filled with water (high density low tone)
Details on the Instruments The Refractometer - Abbemat Series Critical angle of total reflection advanced user management scale calculator and statistic functions Can be used as a stand alone device too!
Details on the Instruments
Details on the Instruments The Turbidity Meter - HazeQC ME Three-angle turbidity meter operated via the density meter Wavelength: 650 nm Measurement of scattered and transmitted light Total turbidity calculated from the three raw signals
Details on the Instruments Measurement of scattered light at 25° and 90° angle and transmitted light at 0° angle
Details on the Instruments The pH meter - pH ME pH ME requires the density meter for operation Provides pH value based on potential difference of the combined pH electrode. Measuring the hydrogen ion activity in aqueous solutions. Two pH electrodes provided by Anton Paar* * electrodes are from Hamilton or Endress+Hauser
Details on the Instruments The Polarimeter - MCP series Highly accurate measurement of optical rotation over the whole measuring range ToolmasterTM automatically transfers data needed for adjustment and measurement and eliminates human error "Built-in" high efficient Peltier temperature control
Details on the Instruments The Microviscometer - Lovis 2000 M/ME Low sample volume Modular combinations Displays relative, kinematic or dynamic viscosity using the rolling-ball principle Comes as stand-alone device or module
Details on the Instruments Automation – The Xsample Series Bar code reader available Easy installation and retrofitting via Plug & Play Small footprint Sample recovery Filling of highly viscous samples Prevents user errors
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