Constraints When a line is solid black it means that it is fully defined and cannot move without the entire object moving.
How to make constraints Different constraints Parallel Concentric Horizontal/vertical Mid point Tangent Coincident Equal Perpendicular Collinear Coroidial Symetric
Parallel To make two lines parallel click one of the lines, then the Ctrl button then click the parallel option in the side panel. Parallel- means lines the run any direction and will never touch each other.
Concentric – means a circle fits inside another circle and the distance between the edge of one circle is the same for the rest of the circle. Other words their center point is the same. To make two circles concentric click on one circle press the “Ctrl” button, click the other circle and then click concentric on the side bar.
Horizontal means that the line runs straight side ways. To make a line horizontal click the line then click the horizontal command on the side bar. Vertical means that the line run straight up. To make a line vertical line click the line then click the vertical command on the side bar.
Mid point of a line means that the distance from the orange point on the line the is same on both sides. When one hovers the mouse over the middle of the line an orange square shows up which represents the middle of the line. To put an object on a midpoint of a line click a point on the object then hold Ctrl then click the line then the Midpoint command button.
Tangent- a circle will be in the same path as a line, in one spot. To make a circle tangent on a line, click anywhere on the outside of the circle then hold control then click the line then click the tangent command button on the side bar.
Coincident- means that two objects will contact each other in the same path. To make objects coincident click a object or line then hold Ctrl and then click another object or line then the coincident command button in the side bar.
Equal- angles and measurements can be made so that they are same as other measurements. To make lines and angles equal with other shapes click a angle or line then hold Ctrl and then click another object or line then the equal command button in the side bar. These two lines have the same lengths.
Perpendicular- means to make an object or line 90 degrees to a surface. To make a object or line perpendicular, click a object or line then hold Ctrl and then click another object or line then the perpendicular command button in the side bar.
Collinear- means that lines will run in the same path as others lines and they do not have to touch. To make lines collinear click a line then hold Ctrl and then click another line then the collinear command button in the side bar.
Cordial- means circles on top of each other but they do not have be touching. They have to be in the same path. To make two circles cordial click a circle then hold Ctrl and then click another circle then the cordial command button in the side bar.
Symmetric –means an object or line is mirrored across a construction line and is identical to the one on the other side. Symmetric- to make an object or line symmetric click on it then hold Ctrl then click the other object on the other side of the construction line then the construction line then the symmetric command on the side bar. To make a construction line make a regular solid line. Then make it vertical or horizontal then click “for construction” on the side bar.