Moodle is Now Ready! Moodle is Now Ready!
How We Got There Moodle is a share-ware program like Black Board that allows us to teach students on-line. Moodle is a share-ware program like Black Board that allows us to teach students on-line. The GT program has a goal of servicing more than 300 students in 11 buildings. The computer is our connection! The GT program has a goal of servicing more than 300 students in 11 buildings. The computer is our connection! We have worked out some messaging problems and have learned more of how the program works with pilot groups. We have worked out some messaging problems and have learned more of how the program works with pilot groups. We are now ready to go district wide with the program. We are now ready to go district wide with the program.
What is Presently Possible Elementary GT students can now get Moodle help with their Classics workbooks. Elementary GT students can now get Moodle help with their Classics workbooks. Jr. High GT students can now learn the Future Problem Solving steps on Moodle and can access original future scenes. Jr. High GT students can now learn the Future Problem Solving steps on Moodle and can access original future scenes.
Moodle Tools for the Classics Resources – save research time and trouble. Resources – save research time and trouble. Assignments – Student can print these off and turn them into their classroom teachers. Assignments – Student can print these off and turn them into their classroom teachers. Forums – Talk with GT students across the district about the story they are reading. Forums – Talk with GT students across the district about the story they are reading. Wikis – Do Group Work with students across the district. Wikis – Do Group Work with students across the district.
Goals for Students in the Classics To give them a chance to do some Higher Order Thinking about their Reading. To give them a chance to do some Higher Order Thinking about their Reading. To give them a chance to get to know the other GT Students in the district. To give them a chance to get to know the other GT Students in the district. To help them to become Autonomous Learners. To help them to become Autonomous Learners.
Classics Class Rules Respect the GT Coordinator and the Students in your on-line discussions. Respect the GT Coordinator and the Students in your on-line discussions. Respect Yourself by working hard and Respect Yourself by working hard and Respect your Teacher and Respect the Students in your Classroom by looking for and encouraging their strengths. Respect your Teacher and Respect the Students in your Classroom by looking for and encouraging their strengths.
Teachers can choose to grade any amount of student involvement in the following activities… Reading the chapter in the Anthology Reading the chapter in the Anthology Reading the chapters Novel Reading the chapters Novel Doing workbook pages that go with the chapter Doing workbook pages that go with the chapter Doing The Next Step and/or Extra Effort Doing The Next Step and/or Extra Effort Doing the assignments in Moodle (inc. Wikis) Doing the assignments in Moodle (inc. Wikis) Participating in Moodle Forums Participating in Moodle Forums Using Moodle Resources to make up their own assignments when theyve Found the Interesting Using Moodle Resources to make up their own assignments when theyve Found the Interesting
Moodle Tools for Future Problem Solving Resources – This allows students to connect to current events, encyclopedias, and future scenes on-line. Resources – This allows students to connect to current events, encyclopedias, and future scenes on-line. Forums – Talk with GT students across the district about the FPS Scene they are working on. Forums – Talk with GT students across the district about the FPS Scene they are working on. Wikis – Allow Teaming with students across the district. Wikis – Allow Teaming with students across the district.
The First Step in FPS In Math you are given a Problem and asked to find a Solution. In Math you are given a Problem and asked to find a Solution. In FPS you are given a Situation and asked to find the Challenges. In FPS you are given a Situation and asked to find the Challenges. Finding many Challenges in an FPS Scene is the first step. Finding many Challenges in an FPS Scene is the first step.
The six-step Future Problem Solving model: 1.Identify Challenges in the Future Scene 2.Select an Underlying Problem 3.Produce Solution Ideas to the Underlying Problem 4.Generate and Select Criteria to Evaluate Solution Ideas 5.Apply Criteria to Solution Ideas 6.Develop an Action Plan
Future Problem Solving Uses Allow students to work on FPS while you remediate other students Allow students to work on FPS while you remediate other students Allow students to Pre-Test coming Chapters or Units. If they reach mastery, give them time to work on Moodle. Allow students to Pre-Test coming Chapters or Units. If they reach mastery, give them time to work on Moodle. If your subject standards require Problem Solving, you may wish to grade FPS work. If your subject standards require Problem Solving, you may wish to grade FPS work. Use the Power Point on Step Three to teach Creative Thinking alone. Use the Power Point on Step Three to teach Creative Thinking alone.
Coming Soon to a Computer Near You! Coming Soon to a Computer Near You! Monitor and Adjust Existing Classes Monitor and Adjust Existing Classes Elementary Future Problem Solving Elementary Future Problem Solving Leadership Leadership Art Art