HTML Codes Miss B
What is HTML? HTML stands for hypertext markup language. What does that mean? Hyper is a Greek word that can mean things like super or beyond. So, hypertext is beyond text or super text, or, to put it in more modern terms, hypertext is text on steroids. So basically…HTML is the language used to make webpages. If you want to learn how to make webpages, you’ll have to learn HTML.
HTML Tags HTML uses HTML tags or special keywords that give instructions to web browsers on how to display a page. All HTML tags are enclosed in the < and the > symbols. These symbols may be called the lesser-than and greater-than symbols; or, you may see them referred to as angle brackets. Usually, HTML tags are used in pairs— an opening tag and a closing tag. Closing tags have a right slash in them.
Let’s Get Started The first thing you need to do is open up a text editing application such as Notepad or TextEdit.
The Basics The next few slides are going to discuss the basic HTML tags that you need to know.
The HTML Tag (<html></html>) The HTML tag the most essential of the basic HTML codes. You cannot even have a webpage without the HTML tag: it defines the webpage itself. Everything in the webpage must be placed between the opening HTML tag and the closing HTML tag.
The HEAD Tag (<head></head>) The HEAD tag defines the head section of an HTML document. The HEAD section is where we put information that relates to the page but that we don’t want to be displayed in the page itself. Some things commonly put in the HEAD section are page titles.
The TITLE Tag (<title></title>) The TITLE tag is always placed within the HEAD tags and contains the title of the page. The page’s title is usually displayed in the browser window’s title bar.
The BODY Tag (<body></body>) The BODY tag defines the body section of the page, which is the part that the browser will display.
The HEADING Tags (<h1></h1>, <h2></h2>, etc.) The heading tags are used to define headings for the text—they work a lot like newspaper headings. By default, they also cause a break in the text before and after them. That is to say, the heading will be on a line all by itself. Also, the bigger the number the smaller the heading.
The P (Paragraph) Tag (<p></p>) The paragraph tag, or P tag, simply defines a paragraph. Each paragraph of your text should be contained within a set of paragraph tags.
The UL (Unordered List) Tag (<ul></ul>) In general, the unordered list is used to make bulleted lists such as that seen below. Point 1 Point 2 Point 3
Text You can change the way the text of your webpage looks by using these codes.
Well, Now You Know Some Basic HTML Codes Well, there you go. You are now familiar with a handful of some of the more common or basic HTML codes or tags.
Let’s Practice Now we can use this site to help us create an HTML page. CLICK HERE