28-29 November 200713 th RBM Partnership Board Meeting.


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Presentation transcript:

28-29 November th RBM Partnership Board Meeting

28-29 November th RBM Partnership Board Meeting GLOBAL MALARIA BUSINESS PLAN Dr. Awa Coll-Seck

28-29 November th RBM Partnership Board Meeting Agenda Background Achievements to date & points of discussion Requested board actions Next steps & challenges ahead

28-29 November th RBM Partnership Board Meeting ?? Short-termMedium-termLong-term Stated goals Why not have a more ambitious aim? RBM 2010 Goals 80% coverage 50% reduction of burden (vs 2000) MDGs Halted & begun to reverse malaria incidence U5 mortality reduced by 2/3 (vs 1990) RBM 2015 Goals 75% reduction of burden (vs 2005) MDGs achieved African Union Campaign on elimination Leadership Summit Eradication Leadership Summit Elimination of malaria as public health and economic burden

28-29 November th RBM Partnership Board Meeting Twofold approach against malaria – both integrated in global plan Design of medium / long-term activities To go beyond control and reach elimination or eradication requires –new tools through intensified R&D efforts –definition of medium/long-term strategy and "E"-framework 1 –potentially new implementation mechanisms 12 Immediate actions and structure enhancements Existing interventions should be scaled-up dramatically to reach maximum impact and achieve 2010 targets Adequate implementation mechanisms and structures should be created to sustain efforts in the next 36 months Global Malaria Business Plan will integrate short, medium and long-term activities under one plan with one vision

28-29 November th RBM Partnership Board Meeting Agenda Background Achievements to date & points of discussion Short-term actions Medium/long-term activities Developing GMBP Requested board actions Next steps & challenges ahead

28-29 November th RBM Partnership Board Meeting Control stabilization phase Short term focus of the GMBP Elimination / eradication phase ?? Short-termMedium-termLong-term Development of new tools Control phase with existing tools

28-29 November th RBM Partnership Board Meeting Scale-up efforts outlined in Harmonized Workplan 08 should be extended Intensified efforts in 45 Sub-Saharan countries Comprehensive needs assessments completed Technically sound & feasible business plans Adequate funds for implementation of their High quality technical and implementation support Implementation Assistance Hotline and Early Warning System (EWS) by January 2008 Intensified efforts in 45 Sub-Saharan countries Comprehensive needs assessments completed Technically sound & feasible business plans Adequate funds for implementation of their High quality technical and implementation support Implementation Assistance Hotline and Early Warning System (EWS) by January 2008 Planning and implementation support should be extended to 2009 and 2010 and to non-Sub- Saharan countries in order to reach RBM 2010 goal

28-29 November th RBM Partnership Board Meeting Agenda Background Achievements to date & points of discussion Short-term actions Medium/long-term activities Developing GMBP Requested board actions Next steps & challenges ahead

28-29 November th RBM Partnership Board Meeting What should be medium-long term focus? Potential goals Control Elimination Eradication Definition Reduction of disease incidence, prevalence, morbidity or mortality to a locally defined level as a result of deliberate efforts. Control requires continued efforts to maintain this state Reduction to zero of the incidence of malaria infection or malaria disease in a specific geographic area as a result of deliberate efforts. Some continued intervention measures are required; surveillance has to be strengthened Permanent reduction to zero of the global incidence of parasitemia as a result of deliberate efforts, such that control efforts are ultimately, in the longer term, no longer needed

28-29 November th RBM Partnership Board Meeting Medium-long term focus of the GMBP ?? Short-termMedium-termLong-term Control stabilization phase Elimination / eradication phase Development of new tools Control phase with existing tools

28-29 November th RBM Partnership Board Meeting R&D is a critical part of the medium - long-term strategy Need to start developing tools that envision eradication Need to develop tools to reach and sustain high level of control Current R&D aiming at control Potential R&D pipeline for elimination/eradicatio n

28-29 November th RBM Partnership Board Meeting Agenda Background Achievements to date & points of discussion Short-term actions Medium/long-term activities Developing GMBP Requested board actions Next steps & challenges ahead

28-29 November th RBM Partnership Board Meeting Guiding principles of the Global Malaria Business Plan The Global malaria business plan Will be the one integrated global malaria business plan in the future –will integrate all existing plans and cover work of the entire malaria community Builds upon current successes of 2007 RBM plans & the country SUFI plans Supports countries to implement their SUFI plans to achieve RBM targets Covers all countries affected by malaria (not only African countries) Covers immediate, medium-term and long-term goals and actions –current implementation support for 2008 is not postponed by the creation of the plan –new long-term vision will influence future annual malaria action plans Covers all human types of Malaria (P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. malariae and P. ovale) GMBP will encompass local, regional and global activities and plans Will be developed consensually with all RBM constituents and other experts over the next 6 months, making best use of the Partnership's existing structures Will be coordinated by the the RBM secretariat in close collaboration with GMP and supported by BCG Will be guided by a leadership council & RBM EC and will be finally approved by the RBM board Integra- tion Scope Develop- ment

28-29 November th RBM Partnership Board Meeting Control stabilization phase Global Malaria Business Plan covers short, medium and long-term horizon Elimination / eradication phase ?? Short-termMedium-termLong-term Development of new tools Control phase with existing tools

28-29 November th RBM Partnership Board Meeting Country perspectiveGlobal perspective Proposed topics covered by the Global Malaria Business Plan Advocacy Finance & Resources R&D Vaccines Drugs Vector controls Regulatory Implementation Program Management Commodity supply & procurement Appropriate Malaria interventions & combinations Education & awareness Monitoring & evaluation Country coordination Policy & Strategy Vision & Targets

28-29 November th RBM Partnership Board Meeting 6 months timeline to prepare the Global Malaria Business Plan Goal Period Activities Deliverables Phase I Approach Plan for the plan December 2007 Define plan development process & governance (involved bodies & missions) Define plan scope & framework Define supporting work & analyses needed Agreed approach for the plan Phase II Content Define the Why, the What and the How Until May 2008 Convene Working Groups Develop group work on all specific topics -conduction of analyses, drawing of results and recommendations Coordinate work across working groups Synthesize the plan Draft of the plan Phase III Finalization Finalize and share plan May to June 2008 Share with major stakeholders Update and finalize Organize implementation Communicate to the Community Final plan and implementation tools November's RBM Board Potential interm. RBM Board (March) May's RBM Board World Health Assembly GFATM Board Active contribution of all Partners will be needed to create a successful plan

28-29 November th RBM Partnership Board Meeting R&D Vaccines Drugs VCs Regulatory Board Sub-committee/ Executive Committee RBM Board Responsibility for GMBP, final agreement Coordination / Plan synthesis Content work Technical Advisors group Input on specific questions Expert group Advice on high-level approach Validation & orientation Leadership council Proposed governance Many partners actively involved in the plan development Working Group for Plan RBM Secretariat + GMP + others supported by BCG Implementation Pgm Mgt CSP Interventions Awareness M&E Country coord. Advocacy Finance & resources Policy & strategy Draft plan components

28-29 November th RBM Partnership Board Meeting Proposed Topic Groups Policy & strategy (WHO) Implementation Program management (HWG) Appropriate Malaria interventions & combinations (WHO) Commodity supply & procurement (PSM) Education & awareness M&E (MERG) Country coordination (Endemic countries) R&D (various) Vaccines Drugs Vector control Regulatory Advocacy (MAWG) Finance & resources (RWG)

28-29 November th RBM Partnership Board Meeting Well-coordinated communication strategy will be enabler of success There is an urgent need for a communication plan in two areas 1.Ensure strong coordinate between Partners to Clearly articulate the long term goals and the near term opportunities for impact as part of a single and integrated strategy Generate consensus and integrate view points around global commitments –In the near term, around the Global Malaria Business Plan 2.Increase awareness in the broader community about The RBM Partnership’s vision and resulting strategies and timelines Continuing advancements and successes of the RBM Partnership over time A communication plan will be developed as part of the Global Malaria Business Plan

28-29 November th RBM Partnership Board Meeting Agenda Background Achievements to date & points of discussion Requested board actions Next steps & challenges ahead

28-29 November th RBM Partnership Board Meeting Requested board actions Commission the creation of one Global Malaria Business Plan Approve principles guiding the GMBP –One plan –Covering all countries affected by malaria –Covering all human types of malaria Agree on the process, timeline and governance mechanism for development of the plan

28-29 November th RBM Partnership Board Meeting Agenda Background Achievements to date & points of discussion Requested board actions Next steps & challenges ahead

28-29 November th RBM Partnership Board Meeting Next steps Identify members and leaders of each Topic Group Identify members of Technical and Expert groups Finalize Leadership Council composition Working group to engage with each topic group to define questions covered by each team