In your Notebook… Answer the following questions about the picture to the right: How and where did this rock cool? What minerals might it be made up of? Make sure to explain how you knew the answers!
What do rocks tell us about the Earth? Sedimentary Rocks What do rocks tell us about the Earth?
Sediments Small pieces of rock that are moved and deposited by water, wind and gravity When sediments come together they form sedimentary rocks
Sedimentary Rock Formation Deposition Sediments are deposited Lithification Physical and chemical processes that transform sediments into sedimentary rocks
Sedimentary Rock Formation Compaction Weight of the overlying sediments forces the sediments closer together Cementation Mineral growth “glues” sediment grains together into a solid rock
Sedimentary Rock Features Bedding Horizontal layering of sedimentary rocks
Evidence of Past Life Fossils can be preserved in sedimentary rocks during the lithification process (Organism Minerals Rocks)
Types of Sedimentary Rocks Clastic Sedimentary Rocks Form from the deposit of loose sediments that accumulate on Earths surface Classified by the size of their particles Coarse grained, medium grained and fine grained
Types of Sedimentary Rocks Chemical Sedimentary Rocks Minerals precipitate out of saturated solutions and settle to the bottom Layers of chemical sedimentary rocks form, called evaporites
Types of Sedimentary Rocks Biochemical Sedimentary Rocks Form from the remains of once living things Limestone comes from calcium carbonate which is used by some organisms (shells)
Classification of Clastic Sediments How are clastic sediments classified? What type of clastic sediment has largest particles size? Smallest? What size are classified as sand? What rock type is made up of cobbles? Classify a sediment that is 0.0020 mm in size. What type of rock has 0.05 mm sediment size?
Classification of Sed Rocks Name 3 types of sed rocks. How are clastic sed rocks classified? Compare and contrast conglomerate w/ breccia. How do chem. Sed. Rocks form? Name 3 common evaporite minerals. How do organic sed. Rocks form? Name 2 organic sed rocks.