1 Curation Activity CIDOC CRM SIG Meeting Edinburgh, 9-12 July 2007
2 ICS + IONIAN UNIVERSITY Two reports (WP5 - DELOS) EAD mapping to CIDOC CRM DC Types and DCCAP to CIDOC CRM Difficulties faced Event-orientation of CIDOC CRM – Metadata structures EAD: hierarchical, multi-level description, and two basic metadata information: metadata for the archival description and the archival description itself
3 DC Collections AP “The DC Collections AP is intended to provide a means of creating simple descriptions of collections and catalogues or indices suitable for a broad range of collections. It is designed primarily to support the discovery and selection of collections, though it may be used to support other functions such as collection management too.” [
5 Accrual Method [cld:accrualMethod] Identifierhttp://example.org/cld/terms#accrualMethod NameaccrualMethod LabelAccrual Method Defined ByCollection Description Terms DefinitionThe method by which items are added to a collection. CommentsRecommended best practice is to use a value from the DCCD Accrual Method encoding scheme. Type of TermElement Refines[n/a] Refined by[n/a] Uses Encoding Scheme DCCD Accrual MethodDCCD Accrual Method, Collection Description Terms [cld:DCCDAccrualMethod] Similar to[n/a] ObligationOptional Condition[n/a] Datatype[n/a] OccurrenceMinimum: 0, Maximum: unbounded
6 Accrual Periodicity [cld:accrualPeriodicity] Identifierhttp://example.org/cld/terms#accrualPeriodicity NameaccrualPeriodicity LabelAccrual Periodicity Defined ByCollection Description Terms DefinitionThe frequency with which items are added to a collection. CommentsRecommended best practice is to use a value from the DCCD Accrual Periodicity encoding scheme. Type of TermElement Refines[n/a] Refined by[n/a] Uses Encoding Scheme DCCD Accrual PeriodicityDCCD Accrual Periodicity, Collection Description Terms [cld:DCCDAccrualPeriodicity] Similar to[n/a] ObligationOptional Condition[n/a] Datatype[n/a] OccurrenceMinimum: 0, Maximum: unbounded
7 Accrual Policy [cld:accrualPolicy] Identifierhttp://example.org/cld/terms#accrualPolicy NameaccrualPolicy LabelAccrual Policy Defined ByCollection Description Terms DefinitionThe policy governing the addition of items to a collection. CommentsRecommended best practice is to use a value from the DCCD Accrual Policy encoding scheme. Type of TermElement Refines[n/a] Refined by[n/a] Uses Encoding Scheme DCCD Accrual PolicyDCCD Accrual Policy, Collection Description Terms [cld:DCCDAccrualPolicy] Similar to[n/a] ObligationOptional Condition[n/a] Datatype[n/a] OccurrenceMinimum: 0, Maximum: unbounded
8 Collection management CIDOC does not provide an entity denoting that a collection is the result of a specific development and management plan. Therefore, we propose the addition of a new activity which may be called "Curation Activity (or "Accrual Activity"), and a new property called "plans/is planned" with domain the "Curation Activity" and range the entity Collection (E78).