PPP: FoFTopic FoF-Flexible Planning Sustainable and Flexible Industrial Software development Objectives: Self-organizing software-system development teams Better alignment between Industry and supporting ICT systems Optimized planning of small size production orders Expected results: Open Source development teams for industry using existing and to be developed Information and communication standards OrganisationContact person: Phone: HoGent - Agoriair. Wim De
Info about project/project structure: PPP: FoFTopic FoF-Flexible Planning Sustainable and Flexible Industrial Software development Self-learning teams and supporting software solutions Sustainable and efficient production Small series production, demand driven Adaptable production Anti-counterfeiting, personalised solutions Internet of Things Interaction New Industry - Smart Cities
Known Partners S.NoPartner NameTypeCountryRole in the Project 1Inxites n.v.SMEBelgiumDevelopment 2System Validation Services bvbaSMEBelgiumQuality Assurance 3Cetemsa s.a.R&DSpainTextile industry innovation 4University College GhentHEBelgium Standardisation in IT, industrial organisation, sustainability 5 University of Limerick HE IrelandQuick Response Manufacturing Required Partners S.NoProfileTypeCountryRole in the project 6R&D adaptive algorithmes, optimalisationR&DFranceAdvanced Mathematical scheduling solutions 7H.R.MR&D Self-learning teams PPP: FoFTopic FoF-Flexible Planning Sustainable and Flexible Industrial Software development