Public Hearing on Proposed Zoning Regulations for Pain Management Clinics Board of County Commissioners May 22, 2012
Presentation Outline Background Zoning Recommendations of Task Force Questions and Public Hearing
Background December 15, 2010 – BCC passed a moratorium on new pain management clinics June Mayor Jacobs created the Prescription Drug Task Force Comprehensive approach to address non-medical use of prescription drugs and the proliferation of pain management clinics through enforcement, healthcare and pharmacies, education, prevention and public policy Oct. 31, 2011 – Subcommittees present reports to TF; all recommendations of subcommittees approved
Background December 6, 2011 – BCC voted to extend the moratorium on new PMC’s for an additional 180 days Mar. 6, BCC holds a work session on TF recommendations; authorizes staff to draft ordinances to codify all recommendations Mar. 15, 2012 – P&ZC work session on TF Zoning recommendations Apr. 19, 2012 – P&ZC approved TF zoning recommendations with revisions (in yellow)
Background May 22, 2012 – First of two BCC public hearings TF zoning recommendations June 5, 2012 – Second of two BCC public hearings on TF zoning recommendations and public hearing on substantive ordinance regulating PMCs
Presentation Outline Background Task Force Zoning Recommendations Definitions Zoning use table Conditions on PMC as permitted use Questions and Public Hearing
Task Force Zoning Recommendations Amend 38-1, Zoning Code (definitions) Define “Pain Management Clinic” (PMC) to mean any privately owned clinic, facility or office, which has at least one of the following characteristics: Where a physician practices who issues prescriptions for a dangerous drug to more than twenty (20) patients in a single day; Holds itself out as being in business to prescribe or dispense pain medication whether for Acute Pain or Chronic Pain; Holds itself out as being in business to provide services for the treatment or management of pain (and actually dispenses dangerous drugs); or Meets the state definition of PMC
Task Force Zoning Recommendations Zoning Code (definitions) (cont’d) PMC – Exceptions: Licensed as a hospital or other licensed facility or owned and operated by a licensed facility (ch 395, FS) Majority of physicians who provide services in the clinic primarily provide surgical or oncology services Affiliated with an accredited medical school Does not prescribe or dispense controlled substance for treatment of pain Operated for the sole purpose of serving a governmental entity
Task Force Zoning Recommendations Zoning Code (definitions) (cont’d) Amend definition of “Clinic” to exclude “Pain Management Clinic” Amend definition of “Home Occupation” to exclude “Pain Management Clinic” Create a new definition for the term, “Dangerous Drugs” (for use with the definition of PMC) a controlled substance, specifically an opiate analgesic, listed in Schedule II and Schedule III Designed to be a very narrow subset of prescription drugs – those that have proved to be most dangerous to the community
Task Force Zoning Recommendations Amend 38-77, Zoning Use Table Requirement for New Pain Management Clinics: Zoning and Locations – any new PMC is a permitted use in the C3, I-1, I-2, I-3, I-4 and I-5 zoning districts (with conditions)
Task Force Zoning Recommendation
P&Z Commission Zoning Recommendation
Task Force Zoning Recommendations Amend 38-79, Conditions on permitted use Conditions: Must get required building and use permits May not co-locate on the same property as a pharmacy Must have 1000 ft separation from pharmacy, day care facility, day care home, religious institution Must provide adequate parking on site Must show parking demands are met on site
Presentation Outline Background Zoning Recommendations of Task Force Questions and Public Hearing
Public Hearing
on Proposed Zoning Regulations for Pain Management Clinics Board of County Commissioners May 22, 2012