MARINERA Marine ERAnet European Research Area Identify research infrastructures Promote exchange between research teams in and outside Europe Organise.


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Presentation transcript:

MARINERA Marine ERAnet European Research Area Identify research infrastructures Promote exchange between research teams in and outside Europe Organise workshops Coordinate calls fund by national funding agencies

3rd MarinERA Infrastructure Workshop Ile des Embiez 12-13/02/08 Main Points GENERAL COMMENTS - The regional scale is the appropriate one for coastal observatory definition and implementation : e.g. ROOS system as input to pan European networks definition, (adjacent countries sharing the same waters), local strategy for data acquisition. - Maintenance (manpower) is a big issue : running costs on the long-term are often underestimated but are essential for the dimensioning of operational systems, bio fouling still mainly affect the maintenance frequency even if progress was performed recently. - Sustainability focused on the stabilisation/consolidation of existing networks is the first priority in order to maintain long term series of data on which scientific as well as other regular users can rely on. - Better use of R/Vessels, fishing boats and ships of opportunity : regional R/Vs are often well equipped and the additional cost for systematic seawater monitoring is small compared to other techniques and therefore should be encouraged and could be better used for coastal stations services (these actions could be envisaged through EUROFLEETS), in European seas there are a lot of fish vessels that could easily be equipped to acquire essential data (T & S), better use of ships of opportunity such as Ferrys. - Improve the land / marine link, towards a better estimation / knowledge of river flow and fluxes to consolidate the realism of coastal models : the river catchments, the sediment transfer, the bathymetry in shallow waters. - Real time transmission of essential parameters is a necessity in operational mode. - Gliders need a partnership strategy, a pool of technical expertise and a demonstration scheme.

3rd MarinERA Infrastructure Workshop Ile des Embiez 12-13/02/08 Main Points General agreement : Regional coordination is on going and it is the appropriate level to propose a coordination. The needs for a pan European coordination are : - to propose a pan-european coordination between regional coordinations (ROOS), including a testing coastal facility (reference facility or reference lab) in order to improve new acquisitions and services, - to coordinate future needs in instrumentation : ferrybox, instrumentation on R/V and fishing vessels, profiler and glider, high resolution satellite and HF radar, - to exchange between regional infrastructure : data, processing algotrithms, know-how, technology, quality procedures, … - to ask the ROOS to analyse theirs needs and expectations for this pan-european coordination activity. - to work together, on a voluntary base, to built a I3 project for the next call.

3rd MarinERA Infrastructure Workshop Ile des Embiez 12-13/02/08 Main Points EMERGING CONCLUSIONS - Regional scale is the most suitable one to consolidate and strengthen the coastal observatories systems (e.g. ROOS) ; but a coordination among regional areas should be ensured. - Regional sustainable monitoring is essential because it impacts local socio- economical features. - Identify geographical gaps in real time data acquisition in each region. - Better coordination of the design of observing system at regional scale. - A lot of technical issues can be tackled at European level : exchange of best practices on maintenance and instrumentation, joint development of high-tech sensors, mobile platforms or modeling, sharing of technicians, training sessions and educational exchange schemes, …can be managed commonly. - Need of common procedure for calibration purpose, need of labs able to calibrate different sensors in Europe (ressource labs) - When possible the same instrument using in many places => better comparison of the data and favourable conditions for sensors strong Eu market. - A joint roadmap could be realisable: where we want to be within the next 5 or 10 years ? Where are the main gaps to fill at short-medium term ? And on this basis to consolidate the partnership among regional observing systems. - Investigate into potential benefits of pan European funding tools : at short term, the setting up of an FP7-I3 proposal for coastal observatories combining above mentioned coordination and cooperation conclusions.

3rd MarinERA Infrastructure Workshop Ile des Embiez 12-13/02/08 Main Points -PROGRAMME Towards a long-term and sustained European network of coastal observatories WE DO HAVE A ROADMAP FOR A EUROPEAN NETWORK : * General agreement on scientific questions. * Identification of the data acquisition gaps (geographical, technological, methods) and how to fill the gaps. * The Marine Strategy Directive and the WFD as guidelines. * Coordinated use of European funds. - FP7-I3 funding scheme for research infrastructure is a useful tool both to develop a pan- European coordination through regional networks of existing coastal observatories and to cooperate on cross-regional issues. - ERA-NET scheme for marine sciences could foster Operational Oceanography in the regional seas ; need for a legal framework. - EMODNET must be a frame for data policy, - The implementation of WFD and MSD will be a frame for future activities : but assessment of a good water status raises real scientific questions, how to spend better the money for that ?

3rd MarinERA Infrastructure Workshop Ile des Embiez 12-13/02/08 An I3 proposal to build Networking activities (NA) based on : Common stategy aspects : the roadmap Strengthening regional aspects : definition and implementation. Links with marine ERAnet Operational aspects in technology and maintenance : Local strategy and regional monitoring Pan european ferrybox system, How and why to use gliders, others monitoring systems as buoys, others... Modelling and data aspects Training, public outreach and education

3rd MarinERA Infrastructure Workshop Ile des Embiez 12-13/02/08 An I3 proposal to build Trans national access (TNA) based on : Open database & modelling services Access for non European countries Assistance and cooperation for emerging facilities Joint research activities (JRA) based on : High technology sensors joint development Coastal mobile or fixed platforms joint development (glider pools, recopesca network,...) Modeling joint development

3rd MarinERA Infrastructure Workshop Ile des Embiez 12-13/02/08 Marine ERANET SEASERA An Over-Arching Marine ERA-Net

3rd MarinERA Infrastructure Workshop Ile des Embiez 12-13/02/08 EMODNET The interoperation between EMODNET, DG Research and GMES remains to be clarified. What is the EMODNET strategy and funding purpose versus existing facilities ? Regional approach is the key word : regional databases and portals as core layers of the data system. Access through « GOOGLE » : what warranty in terms of data and intellectual property ?

Thank You