Digital Your School Library Abel Summer Institute 2008 Pat Whitehouse and Heather Friend
My job is primarily … 1.Teacher-Librarian 2.Teacher – Elementary 3.Teacher – Secondary 4.Student 5.Administrator 6.Other
My school is a learning community that works together to foster the development of the whole child. 1.Strongly Agree 2.Agree 3.Neutral 4.Disagree 5.Strongly Disagree
In my school there is collaboration between teachers and the teacher- librarian on a regular basis. 1.Strongly Agree 2.Agree 3.Neutral 4.Disagree 5.Strongly Disagree
In a collaborative school, the journey is guided by the instructional partnership between classroom teachers and teacher- librarians, each contributing unique expertise and abilities. 1.Strongly Agree 2.Agree 3.Neutral 4.Disagree 5.Strongly Disagree
I use on-line tools to manage and create projects on a regular basis. 1.Strongly Agree 2.Agree 3.Neutral 4.Disagree 5.Strongly Disagree
I encourage higher order thinking in my classroom on a regular basis. 1.Strongly Agree 2.Agree 3.Neutral 4.Disagree 5.Strongly Disagree
I design interactive assignments that are available 24/7. 1.Strongly Agree 2.Agree 3.Neutral 4.Disagree 5.Strongly Disagree
Creating a school-wide culture for inquiry requires building learning teams amongst staff. 1.Strongly Agree 2.Agree 3.Neutral 4.Disagree 5.Strongly Disagree
There is a strong connection between student achievement and the presence of school libraries with qualified school library media specialists. 1.Strongly Agree 2.Agree 3.Neutral 4.Disagree 5.Strongly Disagree
Stage 1 : Preparing for Research Stage 2 : Accessing Resources Stage 3 : Processing Information Stage 4 : Transferring Learning OSLA Information Studies K - 12, 1999.
A Newer Model for Inquiry Together For Learning, Draft 2008 Where has the focus been? Exploring: –Initiating Inquiry, Choosing the topic, Developing questions Investigating: –Designing the plan, selecting information, formulating the focus Processing: –Analyzing information, Evaluating ideas, organizing and synthesizing findings Creating: –Making and presenting product, Assessing product and process, Extending transferring and learning
Exploring: Initiating Inquiry, Choosing the topic, Developing questions Brainstorming: –Smart Ideas (OSAPAC licenced) RAN Chart, (Tony Stead) KWLRAN Chart –Imagination –Brainstorming online
Investigating: Designing a Plan, Selecting Information, Formulating the Focus Knowledge Ontario: –Databases: Gale, Canadian Reference (Ebsco) –Primary sources –Ask A Librarian Grolier Encyclopedia (OSAPAC Licensed) Canadian Encyclopedia Encyclopaedia Universalis Museums, Galleries, Primary source websites Search engines, effective searches Flickr (16 ways to use Flickr in your library) Google Earth, Yes, even Wikipedia…
Processing: Analyzing information, Evaluating Ideas, Organizing and Synthesizing Findings Effective evaluation of information: CRITICAL THINKING!! –Alan November Learning –Jot note tools, Smart Ideas templates, 3 column organizer3 column organizer Concept mapping tools: –Smart ideas, Imagination, Collaborative Learning: Google docs,, blogs (, wikis, Moodles
Creating Making and Presenting products, Assessing, Extending and Transferring Learning Podcasting: Garageband, Audacity Video sharing: –Considering issues of online environment You Tube, Teacher Tube Blogs, zines, graphic novels Geospatial tools: (Beyond the book report ), Flickr: How-to’s to demonstrate understanding Second Life
Our obligation to students… Safety/privacy Ethical use, Copyright Ownership
Burning Issues/Bumps in the Road Does your school ban the tools? How do we integrate the tools to move students from information to participation? How do we use Web 2.0 tools as they are meant and not as Web 1.0 tools; e.g. podcast as a way to deliver notes. What is preventing us from moving forward?
Resources for teachers Apple Learning Interchange Annette Lamb: Kathy Schrock: Meg Ormiston Smart Educators Global Connections: IEarn, Taking It Global
Thomas Friedman The World is Flat The first and most important ability you can develop in a flat world is the ability to “learn how to learn”—to constantly absorb, and teach yourself new ways of doing old things or new ways of doing new things. That is an ability every worker should cultivate in an age when parts or all of many jobs are constantly going to be exposed to digitization, automation, and outsourcing, and where new jobs, and whole new industries, will be churned up faster and faster. In such a world, it is not only what you know but how you learn that will set you apart.