The 21 st Century Student And the Implications for Staff Development
Buffalo Grove High School in the north suburbs of Chicago Carol Burlinski principal Susan Carley associate principal Mark Schaetzlein assistant principal in the north suburbs of Chicago Carol Burlinski principal Susan Carley associate principal Mark Schaetzlein assistant principal
Today’s Presentation The difference between 20 th Century and 21 st Century teaching and learning Steps we have taken to become a 21 st Century school Assessment of where your school is and the next steps in staff development Identification of obstacles The difference between 20 th Century and 21 st Century teaching and learning Steps we have taken to become a 21 st Century school Assessment of where your school is and the next steps in staff development Identification of obstacles
A Vision of Students Today Michael Wesch
Discuss... If I took your computer and cell phone away, how would your teaching/learning be effected? How would your social life be effected?
Compare your answers to today’s students... Jeff Vlk’s sophomore class in Buffalo Grove, IL
Discuss... What are the skills our students must have in the 21 st Century?
What are 21 st Century Skills? Information and Media Literacy Communication Skills Critical Thinking and Systems Thinking Problem Identification, Formulation and Solution Creativity and Intellectual Curiosity Interpersonal and Collaborative Skills Self-Direction Accountability and Adaptability Social Responsibility Partnership for 21 st Century Skills
How did we begin to move our faculty?
Exploration of the meaning of literacy: Literacy is a set of skills that reflect the needs of the time. As those needs shift, then our definition of literacy shifts. Kylene Beers Adolescent Literacy
“It will be important to reconcile narrowed definitions of reading (and hence reading instruction) with the need to develop young people’s critical awareness as they engage with multiple sign systems.” Donna Alverman Adolescent Literacy “It will be important to reconcile narrowed definitions of reading (and hence reading instruction) with the need to develop young people’s critical awareness as they engage with multiple sign systems.” Donna Alverman Adolescent Literacy
from The National Council of Teachers of English Literacy has always been a collection of cultural and communicative practices shared among members of particular groups. As society and technology change, so does literacy. Because technology has increased the intensity and complexity of literate environments, the twenty-first century demands that a literate person possess a wide range of abilities and competencies, many literacies. These literacies—from reading online newspapers to participating in virtual classrooms—are multiple, dynamic, and malleable.
“This is indeed my concern – that we’ll all default to the demands of academic literacy, that we’ll focus on how much we need to teach to make sure kids reach that magical AYP mark, and that in doing so we’ll forget (or perhaps never learn) that how we teach in this new ‘flat’ world Thomas Friedman so aptly describes in The World Is Flat (2005) is probably more important than how much we teach.” Kylene Beers Adolescent Literacy
Faculty summer reading Opening day group discussions of The World Is Flat
Group discussion What are the implications for what we teach? What are the implications for how we teach? What do you need to know next?
Implications for what we teach. Communication, Evaluating Sources, Critical thinking Skills, Collaboration, Global Awareness
Implications for how we teach Student Engagement Effective Technology Inquiry/Problem Solving Integrated Curriculum Student Engagement Effective Technology Inquiry/Problem Solving Integrated Curriculum
What we need to know next. Technology How to begin collaborating across curricular areas How to foster critical thinking How to get kids interested Are there things we can eliminate from our curriculum Technology How to begin collaborating across curricular areas How to foster critical thinking How to get kids interested Are there things we can eliminate from our curriculum
What did we do with the responses?
FROM Content TO Skills
Workshops focused on skills across the curriculum ContentSkills Vocabulary ELL Strategies Synthesizing Texts Active Reading Templates Cornell Notes
What are you doing at your school to move from content to skills?
Technology Workshops
Teachers are Blogging
Teachers and Students are Wiki-ing
Teachers and students are collaborating
Teachers Using Technology Blogs Wikispaces Google Documents iMovie Moodle Quizlab Creating Smart Web Users
What are your biggest obstacles to getting there?
If the leaders don’t get it, it’s not going to happen. Resistant Administrators?
Work with your administrative team
Hesitant faculty?
Start with your early adopters and risk- takers
Staff Development Priority Institutes PLC time School/District incentives
What do you have available? Computers in the school? Access to school computers before and after school? Tech support? Students with computers at home? Public library?
Outdated policies?
What are we going to ask on our tests, when our students are walking in with Google in their pocket? Are they going to be better questions than we ask today? David Warlick
Given the realities of our modern age and the demands of the future, is it okay for teachers to choose NOT to incorporate digital technologies into their instruction?
Change Yourself First
21 st Century Curriculum Design
Buffalo Grove High School in the north suburbs of Chicago Carol Burlinski principal Susan Carley associate principal Mark Schaetzlein assistant principal in the north suburbs of Chicago Carol Burlinski principal Susan Carley associate principal Mark Schaetzlein assistant principal