EC CHM and EUNIS Presentation of IDA project results 1999 - 2003.


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Presentation transcript:

EC CHM and EUNIS Presentation of IDA project results

Implementation of EC obligation European Commission main client, but also used for EEA information purposes IDA funded EEA project manager, compatible with EEA IT solutions National representatives and observers International observers Steering Committee and Task Force Consultant: Finsiel (IT and RO) with ECNC (NL)

Zope based portal, toolkit free of charge Contains: global, pan-European, EU, national information: Policy, Cooperation, Organisations, Information Special sections (password protected) News, Events, Stories

KEURO KEURO KEURO KEURO KEURO Total KEURO Preparation/ feasibility % Development and validation 30 – 35 % Implemen- tation 45 – 50 % Resources

Joint CBD regional meeting/EC CHM Steering Committee September 2003 in Czech Republic Lessons learned from NCHMs: workshop on concrete actions for co-operation between European National CHMs, Belgium EC CHM toolkit /IT solutions collaboration with: United Kingdom (2002), 2003: Denmark, Czech Republic, Germany DG Research Bioplatform catalogue (2003) Support to: Desertification CHM initiatives, Discussions with: Barcelona Convention

Public web address: Development versions in 2003: at Finsiel in Romania

The future of EC CHM - Maintain Closer to CBD CHM Continue to be part of European NCHM collaboration Toolkit free of charge, support to countries and other in installation Continue to embed into EEA IT solutions More Commission info More simple special sections with distributed management More documents (counter doc death)

The future of EC CHM – New or increased Co-developments with CBD CHM with European NCHMs New functionalities Co-operation on data flows with NCHMs and EIONET Co-operation with organisations (toolkit, content) GBIF and ENBI Advanced special sections with distributed management Special issues: indicators and monitoring, NatureNet, genetic resources, alien species, red lists etc.)

Fulfills the responsibility of the Community as party to CBD (Art. 18.3) to set up a CHM (all countries are to set up national CHMs) Developed by the European Environment Agency for the Commission EC CHM has in the IDA project no mandate to impose solutions on NCHMs, only to collaborate, create synergies and make IT solutions available Funded by European Community money (IDA) After 2004 to become a regular task of Commission and EEA (responsibilities yet to be decided), Organisation and collaboration with NCHMs to be decided European Community Clearing House Mechanism for Biodiversity - background

European Community Clearing House Mechanism for Biodiversity - EC CHM Responsibilities The European Commission is the main client and funder (IDA). Commission delivers input (Commission biodiversity documents) The European Environment Agency (EEA) is project responsible, practical responsible for final content (concept and input management) and sets the IT technology framework. Consultant Finsiel develops the software and all functionalities for management, using open sources and EEA IT technology. Sub-contractor to Finsiel ECNC contributes with link checking, news/event information, special content contribution

European Community Clearing House Mechanism for Biodiversity - EC CHM organisation EC CHM team from EEA, ETC/NPB and consultants: meets every second month EC CHM invites CBD Secretariat to all Task Force and Steering Committee meetings EC CHM Task Force of most interested countries and observers: meets 1- 2 per year, commenting on technical development, relations/validations in relation to NCHMs EC CHM Steering Committee: meets 1 time per year, comments and holds workshop on issue of common interest

European Community Clearing House Mechanism for Biodiversity - EC CHM Responsibilities The European Commission is the main client and funder (IDA). Commission delivers input (Commission biodiversity documents) The European Environment Agency (EEA) is project responsible, practical responsible for final content (concept and input management) and sets the IT technology framework. Consultant Finsiel develops the software and all functionalities for management, using open sources and EEA IT technology. Sub-contractor to Finsiel ECNC contributes with link checking, news/event information, special content contribution