What’s new in the Czech Republic regarding CITES Ondřej Klouček, Silvie Ucová, Barbora Kaminiecká, Jana Hrdá Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic
Current state with the Rhino horn case in the Czech Republic CZ legislation concerning internet trade in CITES specimens – experience after 5 years Breeding of selected Annex A species and their trade via internet DNA parentity tests for proving legal origin of CITES specimens Case of „Dolphin show“ in the Czech Rep. Overview of presentations
Poaching of rhinos in Africa 3 Rhinos per day...
South Africa – Ceratotherium simum simum CITES II purpose hunting trophies Annual quota – 100 – 160 specimens Source of rhino horns … Rhino hunting trophies
„Pseudo-hunting“ of rhinos for commercial purposes Involvement of bona- fide hunters in illegal trade in rhino horns Connection to Vietnamese community Rhino horn case – recent developments
One of the biggest Vietnamese community in the EU SAPA Market – Little Hanoi in Prague Area of 35 ha Vietnamese traders Why the Czech Republic?
Hiring of hunters – without hunting experience and gun licence, often without permanent address… to hired persons the travel and accommodation expenses in SA and hunting licence are covered close cooperation with hunting farms in SA “Hunters” give up their trophies after the hunt… Basic features of pseudo-hunting
In total 22 rhino horns seized within the operations in cooperation with Germany and Slovakia (cost up to 100 million CZK) In July 2013 big operation of Police and Customs took place – 7 house checks, 15 people taken into custody Found special saw for cutting horns Investigation is ongoing Pseudo-hunting
Real hunters, members of hunting association with gun licences hired Connection to Czech farm in SA (Limpona Safari) New travel and cargo agency established by VT House checks of hunting trophies Involvement of bona-fide hunters
Buffalo horn cups presented as formed from rhino horns Involvement of bona-fide hunters (April 2013)
Rhino horns smuggled in coils with electric wire to Vietnam Involvement of bona-fide hunters (December 2013)
Based on data of legal imports of rhino trophies R. P. – 4/2013 in SA, checked 1/2014 horns stolen from the car, cape at taxidermist (reality: horns confiscated on export from PRG in 2013!) M. T. – 5/2013 in SA, checked 2/2014 horns OK, cape at taxidermist J. M. – 3/2013 in SA, checked 3/2014 by SEI horns OK, cape not inspected Inspections
Based on information about issued hunting licenses J. Š. – 10/2013 in SA, no rhino, no hunt V. N. – 10/2013 in SA, no rhino, no hunt V. M. – 3/2012 in SA, no inspection yet M. Z. – 3/2012 in SA, rotten horns - destroyed, cape on the wall Other inspections
Czech Authorities refuse to confirm data on CZ hunters because of big risk to abuse hunting trophies for commercial purposes SA decided to STOP issuing export permits for CZ Rhino hunting trophies as a source for black market CZ supports ban on trade with rhinos or its functional regulation by EU law Summary
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