Azerbaijan as a destination for international business by Javanshir Feyziev, MP November 2013 For TEAS Business Forum, London Laws and regulations Opportunities for internationals
S imple and straightforward A ll major economic freedoms and rights E qual treatment of local vs. international, with some additional incentives for FDI Doing business in Azerbaijan, Laws and Regulations Business legislation
Starting a business I n 2008 a One Stop Shop was established for incorporation of companies V ariety of forms, including Rep office, LLC, JSC and others N o limitations on foreign participation Doing business in Azerbaijan, Laws and Regulations
In 2012, a new very innovative initiative was launched called ASAN (means “easy”); A governmental “service mall” provides a broadening scope of services under one roof E -government, e-signature Business permits Doing business in Azerbaijan, Laws and Regulations
P rivate ownership of land; L easehold of land and f reehold of real estate by foreigners accepted. Land and Property Doing business in Azerbaijan, Laws and Regulations
20 % corporate tax (if you a local taxpayer) 18% VAT 10% withholding tax (if you are non tax payer in AZ) 4% simplified tax system for small taxpayers Doing business in Azerbaijan, Laws and Regulations Taxes
F ree currency exchange; A ccounts in currency of choice; W orkable mechanisms for international transactions; F reedom of concluding international contracts. Foreign Trade and Currency Exchange Doing business in Azerbaijan, Laws and Regulations
1958, 1961 and 1985 conventions on international arbitration and dispute resolutions; A postile (Hague) convention; WTO negotiations; EU Eastern partnership; CoE and OSCE; M ore than 40 bilateral investment and double taxation treaties. International Treaties Doing business in Azerbaijan, Laws and Regulations
F reedom to choose law of the contract; L ocal courts; Accessibility of international arbitration. Courts and Arbitration Doing business in Azerbaijan, Laws and Regulations
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