Aerospace Vehicle Systems Technology Break-Out Session 2 Dr. Darrel R. Tenney 757-864-6033
I. Advanced Concepts Description of Thrusts: Advanced Vehicle Development Develop, design, fabricate, integrate and test advanced aircraft concepts Conceptual Vehicle Design Create, identify, analyze, and evaluate new vehicle concepts and technologies Enabling Vehicle Technologies Basic maturation of high-risk, high-payoff vehicle enabling technologies Autonomous Vehicle Systems Control system research for autonomous vehicles Key Contact Robert E. McKinley, Jr., AVST ph.: 757-864-7572 email:
II. Testing and Modeling Description of Thrusts: Wind-Tunnel Testing and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Advanced Flow Measurements; Turbulence Modeling for Unsteady, Separated Flows; Hypersonic Boundary-Layer Transition; Ground-to-Flight Scaling; Advanced CFD Validation; Variable-Fidelity Approximation for MDO Flight Simulators and Flight Dynamics and Systems Modeling Flight Dynamics Modeling, Validation, and Scaling; Computational Electromagnetics Validation Structures and Materials Testing and Modeling Active Aeroelastic Wing Technology; Computational Aeroelasticity Validation Key Contacts Long Yip, Project Manager, AVST ph.: 757-864-3866 email:
III. Breakthrough Technologies Description of Thrusts: Biomimetics Materials and Structures that emulate lightweight, high strength, adaptable biological system Smart Materials & Active Structures Materials and Structures that sense, understand and respond to environmental needs Flow Control Microsensors and actuators for virtual control of flow Advanced Controls Nonlinear and off-nominal control of multi-dispersed sensor/actuators Key Contact Richard R. Antcliff, AVST ph.: 757-864-4606 email:
IV. Aero/Space Synergy Description of Thrusts: Key Contacts Crack • Durability Testing/Life Prediction Methodology: Advanced life prediction methodologies, fracture analysis criterion, fatigue, residual strength of aircraft primary structure • Composites Durability: Material performance under simulated mission profile conditions, accelerated test methods that simulate long term use at extreme aerospace environments • Near Net Shape Structures- Reduced manufacturing cost using advanced materials and manufacturing methods • Reliability Based Design: Designing complex aerospace frame structures based on principles of uncertainty and reliability • NDE Instrumentation: Crack and corrosion detection in thin sheet and thick primary metallic structure, improved techniques for composite structure, multiple phenomena measurement systems utilizing fiber optics, vibration based monitoring techniques for detection of structural damage Key Contacts F.W. Cazier, Jr, (Programs): 757-864-2860, Dr Mark Shuart, (Competency): 757-864-3492,
Interested in being informed on technology advancements Name: ________________ Company:_____________ Interested in being informed on technology advancements Areas of Interest Interested in Partnering Key Contact/phone # I. Advanced Vehicle Concepts REVCON/ Vehicle Concepts Personal Air Vehicles Autonomous Vehicles Other______________________ II. Testing and Modeling Wind Tunnel Testing/CFD Simulators/Stability and Control Structural Testing/Structural Analysis III. Breakthrough Technologies Biomemetics Smart Material and Active Structures Flow Control Other_____________________ IV. Aero/Space Synergy Durability Testing/Life-Prediction Methodology Composites Durability Near Net Shape Structures Reliability Based Design NDE Instrumentation