Designing Supplemental Focus Lessons Session 4 October 2014 NTI
2 Welcome Share name, role and biggest learning from yesterday, as well as “hope for” from this session
Learning Targets I can analyze a supplemental text for its alignment to a specific standard. I can design text-dependent questions that address a specific standard. 3
Qualitative Aspects of Text Complexity Locate in your participant notebook on page xx, Qualitative Aspects of Text Complexity. Preview the 4 quadrants of this document. Look specifically at the “structure” portion of this document make to prepare to look at texts 4
Scan, pass and select a text Divide into split table groups Locate the texts on your table. Scan and pass the different readings. Look at each text and think particularly about structure as that is the focus of standard 5. What text will best teach standard 5? Each individual select a text that will best teach the standard 5
Agree and Analyze Discuss your text selections as a group. Each individual share what they selected and why. (5 minutes) Come to consensus: Agree on a text together to analyze against the 4 quadrants document paying particular attention to the structure quadrant. (10 minutes) 6
Locate Locate the Lesson Planning Template on page xx and the Creating Text Dependent Questions on page xx in your participant notebook. You will use both these documents in your lesson planning. 7
Groups Create split table groups for this activity. 8
Your Focus Standard Analyze the structure an author uses to organize a text, including how the major sections contribute to the whole and to the development of the ideas. 9
Read Read the document Creating Text Dependent Questions on page xx to solidify common group understanding of the writing of questions. 10
Lesson Planning Template Use the Lesson Planning Template to guide your creation of the lesson 11
Share Share your lesson design with the other group at your table 12
Think and Talk How can you use the tools and resources from this session in your school or district? 13
Turn and Talk Turn and talk to a partner: What was your “hope for” for this session? Is there more learning that you need to do to ensure that your “hope for” is complete? 14