GOMATH! Day 2 Network 609 Core Curriculum Planning June 2013 Presenter: Karen Cardinali
Agenda Share experiences since last session Differentiated group work: Performance Tasks Lesson/Unit Planning Scope and Sequence Whole group share Reflections/Next steps
Since last session…
Instructional Materials Review on Assessment
GoMath! Embedded Performance Assessment: Performance assessments help reveal the thinking strategies students use to work through a problem. Performance assessments are provided in many places in GoMath: Diagnostic Interview Assessments in the Assessment Guide provide one- to-one interview assessments for each chapter. A Performance task for each chapter is provided in the chapter review/Test in the student edition. Constructed response items are provided in the Chapter Review/Test in the Student Edition and in the Chapter tests in the Assessment Guide. Extended constructed response items are provided in the Chapter tests in the Assessment Guide Performance Assessments with Multiple tasks for each critical Area are provided in the Assessment Guide
Performance Assessments Each GoMath Assessment has 4 tasks that target specific math concepts, skills, and strategies. These tasks can help assess students’ ability to see what they have learned to solve everyday problems. Each assessment focuses on a theme. Teachers can plan for students to complete one task at a time or use an extended amount of time to complete the entire assessment.
Critical Areas The Common Core specifies Critical Areas at each Grade level. These are listed below:
Scoring Rubrics GoMath! provides a 3 and 4 point scoring rubric to help teachers evaluate the quality of a student’s work and level of understanding to be used with the performance task in the chapter review and the extended response item in the chapter test in the assessment guide. In scoring a student’s task, the teacher should ask two questions: How well did the student use math conventions to arrive at a solution? And How well did the student communicate the solution? Poor sentence structure, word choice, usage, grammar, and spelling should not affect the scoring unless communication of ideas is impossible to determine.
Performance 3 point Rubric
Performance 4 point Rubric
Working closely with the NYC DOE Houghton Mifflin Harcourt will include the following enhancements to the GO Math! program: A booklet of Chapter and Critical Area performance tasks at each grade level that includes: – High cognitive level problem-solving performance tasks addressing the Common Core Standards and assessed with a 4 point scoring rubric aligned with NYC expectations and requirements. – Two-pages of teacher support material for each Critical Area and Chapter performance task with teacher content and information for incorporation and development of the problem-solving performance tasks. – Examples of student work for each rubric scoring level for each Critical Area and Chapter performance task.
Performance task Guiding Tasks/Questions: Reflect on and Compare the different rubrics and/or tasks available to our students. Compare the Cognitive Demand of the varied tasks: (Constructed response, Performance task, Parcc task…) Work the task. How well does the task align to the Common Core? How and when should the task be administered? How might your school use these performance tasks?
Performance Tasks: What can we share?
Unit Planning Unit Overview Unit Topic and Length CCLS: Content and Mathematical Practices Big Ideas and Essential Questions Balance of the Instructional Shift: Rigor Content/skills Assessments: Initial, Formative, On-Going Checks, Performance Tasks, Summative. ( Student Evidence) Learning Plan and Activities designed to be accessible and responsive to all students. Additional Resources for students and Teachers School Specific additions What aspects of GOMATH! are helpful and important to access when Unit planning?
Unit Planning: What can we share?
Lesson Panning What is the math you want students to walk away with? What standards are being worked on? Workshop model: How will the math be presented? What will students be doing to experience the mathematics, What will be shared at the end of the lesson to push student understanding? What strategies will be used? What misconceptions might students have? How will students be grouped and receive access to the mathematics? What questions will be asked throughout the lesson to move students closer to the instructional outcomes desired? How will you assess student understanding? Homework? What aspects of GOMATH! are helpful and important to address when lesson planning?
Lesson Planning: What can we share?
Scope and Sequence/Pacing An updated curriculum map has been updated and is available on ENGAGE NY at: curriculum-map
Next steps/Questions/Concerns
Thank you for your participation. Have a great summer!
Curriculum Review Results School communities should consider whether the built-in RTI support is a fit for their teaching staff and ensure that teacher teams have ample time to review the materials before teaching them so that they can understand the arc of the year, units, and each individual lesson before enactment and pace lessons effectively to balance problem solving and procedural skill and fluency