CORY GILLETTE LITERACY COORDINATOR JANUARY 2014 Reading and Writing Curriculum in Darien Public Schools
Goals of Literacy Curriculum To develop lifelong readers and writers To engage students in authentic tasks in literacy with a focus on process coupled with explicit instruction and feedback To develop balanced readers and writers who can proficiently read and write across genres for a variety of purposes To develop readers who can persevere when presented with complex text and can apply skills and strategies previously taught to access comprehension 2
Explicit Instruction in WW
Explicit Instruction In Writing
Explicit Instruction in Reading Workshop
K-5 Writing Curriculum The writing curriculum includes 3 types of writing -narrative (story) -informational -opinion Students learn these types of writing through the writing process in units of study. For example we teach persuasive letters, realistic fiction, literary essays, historical fiction and all about books.
Our Writing Instruction Focuses on 3 Categories Structure Development Language Conventions
Editing Matters Student learn how to edit at more and more sophisticated levels as they move through the grades We now have a very specific framework for when students are held accountable to what Teacher edited does not mean that your child is able to edit at that level Bad habits are hard to break. We are working on holding students to those grade level standards
Grade 1 Grade 3 The writer used what he knew about chunks of words to help him spell as well as using word wall words correctly. The writer used end punctuation, capital letters for names, and commas in dates and lists. The writer used spelling patterns to support his spelling. The writer punctuated dialogue correctly. The writer correctly used end punctuation. Language Conventions in Narrative Writing
Grammar is Taught both Explicitly and Implicitly Grammar is about syntax, how a sentence is put together. We teach students how to write more complex syntax. We move them from: I went to the store. To On my way to school, while talking on the phone, I went to Stop and Shop to buy some chocolate milk. We do this by teaching them the skill of developing, that is, adding details.
Grammar We teach students to write with specific details. We teach students to use punctuation to play with meaning. We teach students how to connect simple sentences into more complex sentences. We teach students how to make sure verb tense and nouns match.
Writing Assessments Each writing unit has a specific rubric with points in each of the three focus areas. All writing for the unit is assessed using that measure. On demand assessments
Spelling/Phonics Instruction Words Their Way Program -differentiated -teaches letter sound combinations, blends, vowel sounds, prefixes, suffixes Spelling assessments -tests on sorts (collection of words for the week) -dictation tests to determine spelling stage Stages of Spelling (See Power Point from K Presentation)
Reading Instruction in Darien Students read just right texts Students learn skills and strategies in reading Students apply reading skills and strategies to a variety of different genres and text structures
Assessments Accuracy- This measures how many words a student reads correctly in an assessment passage. Fluency- This measures how smoothly a student reads. We look for students to read in phrases instead of word by word. We also listen to hear if students are making dialogue sound like someone is talking. That is, reading with intonation. Meaning- This measures the readers understanding of what is literally happening in the text and what the text implies.
Leveled Texts As texts become more difficult, readers have to employ higher level skills and strategies
The Smarter Balance Assessment- ELA Portion Students have to read a variety of passages in different genres. Students have to listen to a variety of passages. Students have to answer multiple choice questions Students have to write short answer responses. In the responses students have to cite specific details from the texts. They are not to rely on their own personal connections or prior knowledge.
The Smarter Balance Assessment - Performance Assessment Part 1 The first part introduces the student to the resources and tells the student what type of writing he/she will have to do in the second part of the performance task. In the first part students have to complete a variety of short answer and multiple choice questions. They are told that answering these questions will help prepare them to write their piece. They may have to: -Provide evidence from each source to support a given claim -Figure out which source provides the best evidence to support a given claim or reason -Determine which main idea can be found in both sources
The Smarter Balance Assessment - Performance Assessment Part 2 In the second part, the student has to write an entire piece using the sources provided. In all the given examples, students had to make choices about the claim they were making or the topics they were going to discuss under the given heading. Grade 3 Write an informational article using sources that described living in space. Grade 4 Write an informational article about how animals live in different types of environments. Grade 5 Write an opinion piece where you choose a side on a new law supported with reasons from the sources.
How Parents Can Support Their Readers and Writers Visit the Parent Wiki on the DPS Website Be the kind of learner that you want your child to be Remember that the person who is doing the work is doing the learning Find fun ways to incorporate reading, writing and discussion into your family life Follow social media (Facebook, Twitter) on parenting and literacy