W ELCOME TO P ARENT N IGHT 2015 Mrs. Riggins’ Class
4 TH G RADE E XPECTATIONS Encourage independence and responsibility at home Encourage organization Encourage good study habits
P ARENT /T EACHER C ONFERENCES I am always available to discuss your child in person or via telephone. is the best way to set up a time and day for the conference. You may also call the school and leave a message.
C URRICULUM Math (number grade) Hands-on AMSTI Math Science (number grade) Hands-on AMSTI Science Reading ARI (vocabulary, strategy, skill, fluency, word work) Skill Marks (3= satisfactory, 2= progressing toward standard, 1= not meeting standards) Alabama History (number grade) Writing/Language Arts Writing is skill based Applying grammar skills in their writing and conferencing with teacher
R EADING E XPECTATIONS FOR 4 TH G RADE LevelBenchmarkLevel 3-4 required words per minute K 2 nd grade- 1 st 9 weeks51-70 and above L 2 nd grade- 2 nd 9 weeks62-78 and above M 2 nd grade- 3 rd 9 weeks70-85 and above N 2 nd grade-4 th 9 weeks74-90 and above O 3 rd grade-1 st 9 weeks78-92 and above P 3 rd grade-2 nd 9 weeks83-94 and above Q 3 rd grade- 3 rd 9 weeks and above R 3 rd grade-4 th 9 weeks and above S 4 th grade- 1 st 9 weeks and above T 4 th grade- 2 nd 9 weeks and above U 4 th grade- 3 rd 9 weeks and above V 4 th grade- 4 th 9 weeks and above
T ESTS Quick math quiz on Friday (10 problems weekly similar to the quick math problems can be found on our blog!) Vocabulary quiz on Friday (5 words which can be found in your child’s weekly newsletter) Please use these words in context with your children at home so that they are more confident with using the words. All other tests will have study guides that can be found in a plastic protector in your child’s red folder. Study guides will be handed out at least 3 days before the test, if not more.
H OMEWORK P OLICY Standard Homework(written in your child’s agenda): Weekly Quick Math Quiz (study each night) Weekly vocabulary tests Reading Log (due every Friday) Study multiplication facts every night Other homework, such as math practice, special projects, or study guides will be sent home throughout the week. I will notify you of upcoming tests in the newsletter.
R ED FOLDERS Left at Home and Right Back to School pockets Please check these nightly and clean out accordingly Reading Log – (Minimum 20 minutes a night Mon – Thurs) Complete the summary Study guides for all tests/quizzes can be found behind the study guide divider Newsletter
B LUE F OLDERS Come home with child each Wednesday/Thursday Please sign the parent signature sheet Please return the folder the following day
W HAT TO DO NEXT Forms on your child’s desk (turn in by the door) Checklist of where to unpack items (pre- ordered boxes are by the door) Car rider and bus numbers Fill out forms on the back kidney table Please visit the lunchroom to make donations, pay for after school care, PTO dues, enrichment programs, lunch money, etc. if you haven’t done so already