Slovenian Regional Portal -Descriptive Overview Prototype Design Overview
Shipping Scheduling User ProfileActive Shipments MarketsContacts Functional Objects For Users Please click on the above topics Model Websites…
Shipping Scheduling User ProfileActive Shipments MarketsContacts Useful Model Websites Please click on the above topics Return to Main Menu (Asian Portal – similar to Slovenia’s Portal design) (US/Canada/Mexico Portal- similar to Slovenia’s Portal design; click on “Traffic Managers” and then “Demo”) (Provides useful news, scheduling, tracking, and directory information.) Good Logistics Regional Sites: (port of Hong Kong) (links of ports terminals) (non transactional, but provides a great deal of information regarding contact and tracking information for ships and trucks in the US state of Georgia.) (comprehensive site for Boston, Massachusetts shipping needs)
Shipping Scheduling Part A Users Will Enter: Starting and ending dates Entry and destination points Modal preferences (if any) Cargo type Type of data search Portal Will Output: All the potential routes meeting user specifications -Data search can be specified to prioritize by lowest cost, shortest time, and time & cost ranges When a route is selected ….(press here)
Shipping Scheduling Part B Back to Main Page For a selected shipment the user will be directed to a master form. The form will include all data needed by customs, carriers, and regulatory bodies. The portal will then deliver the needed data fields to the actors (customs, carriers, etc) electronically. The portal will also print a paper-based copy for non-compatible systems and user records. The user can chose insurance plans at this point. The user will also select an notification level. This feature will alert the shipper if the shipment has a delay. Model Websites…
Shipping Scheduling Part B Back to Main Page For a selected shipment the user will be directed to a master form. The form will include all data needed by customs, carriers, and regulatory bodies. The portal will then deliver the needed data fields to the actors (customs, carriers, etc) electronically. The portal will also print a paper-based copy for non-compatible systems and user records. The user can chose insurance plans at this point. The user will also select an notification level. This feature will alert the shipper if the shipment has a delay. Useful Model Websites: (A good model- very easy to use and functional) (Very comprehensive listing) (shows rates and shipping scheduling for US trucks- not Intermodal, however.) (non-transactional- but provides real-time schedules) (Has search capability by price and company- shows world shipping routes.)
User Profile Back to Main Page User will decide their role (freight forwarder, shipper, carrier, guest) which will determine their user privileges for the rest of the portal. Other information to be registered: -language preference -currency preference -contact and business information - alert preferences (for logistics related alerts, discounts, etc.)
Active Shipments Back to Main Page This page will only be available to registered users who have begun a shipment. The functionality will be so the user can: View a listing of every shipment they have in motion View a listing of the recent history of their shipments View the details of specific shipment, including tracking capabilities, arrival times and locations, and delivery alerts. For carrier users, this page will allow them to view berth locations for their vehicles for intra or inter modal transfers. Model Websites…
Active Shipments Back to Main Page This page will only be available to registered users who have begun a shipment. The functionality will be so the user can: View a listing of every shipment they have in motion View a listing of the recent history of their shipments View the details of specific shipment, including tracking capabilities, arrival times and locations, and delivery alerts. For carrier users, this page will allow them to view berth locations for their vehicles for intra or inter modal transfers. Useful Model Websites: (under “My Account”) (for weather alerts) (shows US flight delays- can be integrated with alert system.) (shows road traffic delays, good for routers) (shows real-time traffic conditions for roads in California. The Portal can show estimated time to destination with current road speeds on the routes.) (gives real-time information of the Pusan East Container Terminal) (information for truckers) (facilitates movement within a Boston terminal)
Markets This section will allows users to interact for special shipments, irregular routing, capacity matching, chartering, or equipment/job advertising. The abilities of the user will depend on his/her role. If they have no role, they will be defaulted as a ‘guest’ and will have browsing (non transactional) capabilities. Available Space ChartersCargoClassifieds please click on the above sections before returning to main page... Back to Main Page Model Websites…
Markets This section will allows users to interact for special shipments, irregular routing, capacity matching, chartering, or equipment/job advertising. The abilities of the user will depend on his/her role. If they have no role, they will be defaulted as a ‘guest’ and will have browsing (non transactional) capabilities. Available Space ChartersCargoClassifieds please click on the above sections before returning to main page... Back to Main Page Useful Model Websites: (for cargo) (multimodal) (similar to the Priceline reverse auction model) (instead of just having a ‘looking to sell’ section, the portal can also have a ‘looking to buy’ functionality)
Available Space - Markets Allows parties to match/bid warehouse space, container space, vessel/truck/rail car space. Carriers can decrease empty backhauls and increase loads Back to Main Page Available Space ChartersCargoClassifieds please click on the above sections before returning to main page...
Charters - Markets Allows carriers, shippers, and consolidators space to negotiate charter rates and schedules Back to Main Page Available Space ChartersCargoClassifieds please click on the above sections before returning to main page...
Cargo - Markets Allows the conglomeration of specific cargo types Back to Main Page Available Space ChartersCargoClassifieds please click on the above sections before returning to main page...
Classifieds - Markets Allows communication channel for equipment/vessel/vehicle sales, as well as employment listings, and service solicitations Back to Main Page Available Space ChartersCargoClassifieds please click on the above sections before returning to main page...
Contacts Back to Main Page Users will be able to view the contact and business information for related business parties Contacts will be listed according to location and type of business service A personal address book for contacts will be available for individual users. This book will allow a ‘notes’ section for individuals to record histories. Model Websites…
Contacts Back to Main Page Users will be able to view the contact and business information for related business parties Contacts will be listed according to location and type of business service A personal address book for contacts will be available for individual users. This book will allow a ‘notes’ section for individuals to record histories. Useful Model Websites: (very nice directory) ml