Report on Joint UNECE/WHO/Eurostat Task Force on Measurement of Health Status Jennifer H. Madans U.S.A.
First Meeting: May 2004, Geneva Switzerland Recommendation: Establish a Steering Group and a Working Group The Working Group will work toward the development of a new common instrument and will coordinate with existing groups such as the Eurostat Group on HIS and the Washington Group.
Terms of Reference for the Task Force To review the basic principles broadly agreed to at the May meeting and in particular: To agree on a common basic terminology To consider how to approach the use of the ICF as the framework for question development
Terms of Reference for the Task Force To determine the criteria for selecting health domains. To select the domains based on criteria elaborated and provide solid explanations To identify a draft set of questions to cover the selected domains to be discussed at the Meeting in 2005 To conduct statistical, cognitive and field testing of the set of questions to be agreed at the Meeting in 2005
Current Activities Develop two papers that address aspects of the terms of reference and present the papers for discussion at the next meeting of the Task Force
Paper 1: Health as a Multidimensional Construct and Cross-Population Comparability Distinction between health status and health state Multi-dimensional approach to health state description ICF as the framework for measuring health status What is it that should be measured for a given health state? Distinguishing health states from determinants and consequences Health states are attributes of individuals Comparability of measurement for health states Development of criteria for the selection of domain
Paper 2: Identification of Domains and the Development of Questions Physical functioning - mobility Physical functioning - dexterity Vitality/Fatigue Affect Anxiety Vision Hearing Pain and Discomfort Cognition Memory and concentration Thinking and problem solving Social relationships and functioning including communication
Next meeting Meeting in Budapest, Hungary Nov , 2005