Getting engaged:women in local development Project Overview 1 st Steering Group Meeting, Brussels 22 – 23 January 2007
Structure of Presentation Background: Policy Context Overall Aim and Objectives Actions and timescale Partnership Budget
Background: Policy Context Why women in local development? Local development needs to involve people from the local community in a balanced participation of women and men. Women are becoming important actors in local economic development. In the local development strategy there are some issues of particular relevance for women. Some local development policies have different meaning for men and women and need a gendered evaluation of need or impact of such policies.
ACTION PROGRAMME RELATING TO THE COMMUNITY FRAMEWORK STRATEGY ON GENDER EQUALITY DG Imployment, social affairs and equal opportunity Unit: equal opportunity for women and men: strategy and programme Priority theme of the 2006 call Promotion of gender equality in local development: Encourage balanced participation of women and men in local development How policies implemented at local level can encourage the promotion of gender equality.
Overall Aim Overall aim is to bring about an exchange of experience and transfer of learning between partners and promote positive action to address gender equality within social and economic development.
Objectives To establish cross-sectoral local action groups which will: –Undertake local/regional mapping to identify what measures (compatible with contextual factors) can/need to be taken to promote the participation of women in local development. –Undertake local dissemination/consultation –Produce action plan
Objectives (cont.) To undertake three transnational peer review and exchange workshops: –Strategies and priorities in relation to local development and gender equality. –Patterns of involvement and consultation issues in relation to gender equality. –Methodologies for assessing women’s need and relationship to service provision issue. To capitalise existing practice at local, national and EU levels and create an online good practice exchange.
ACTIVITIESWHENWHO Steering Group Meetings x 3 1.January June February 2008 OeC-ERAN with input from Partners Peer Review Development Workshops x 3 1.May Barcelona 2.September Rome 3.December Brussels QeC-ERAN with specific inputs from Partners and External Experts Local Action Groups (one each partner) February 2007 and ongoing through out projectPartners Actions and timescale
ACTIVITIESWHENWHO Establishment of websiteJanuary 07 (ongoing)QeC-ERAN + External inputs Online good practice exchage and development forum April 2007 and ongoingQeC-ERAN with input from LAG Participants Production of Six Monthly Reports June 2007QeC-ERAN
ACTIVITIESWHENWHO Local dissemination workshop (project outcomes, local mapping, local action plan) January 2008Local partners
Partners 1.Quartiers en Crise – European Regeneration Areas Network QEC - ERAN (BELGIUM) 2.Innovación, Transferencia y Desarrollo (ITD) - Barcelona – SPAIN 3.Consorzio Gioventù Digitale – Roma – ITALY 4.Centro Sicilia Servizi – Enna – ITALY 5.Comitato Progetto Porta Palazzo - The Gate – ITALY 6.Municipality of Rotterdam, department of Youth, Education and Society- Rotterdam – NETHERLANDS 7.Birmingham Race Action Partnership – Birmingham – UK 8.Regional Social Welfare Resources Centre – Budapest – HUNGARY 9.Polska Federacja Klubow Business and Professional Women – Poznan - POLAND
Budget Total cost: ,23 Commission grant: ,23 Staff: € (Local coordination: per partner) Travel: € Services (implementation): € 2000 € per partner for local dissemination workshop and meeting costs for LAG 3000 € per partner for local action research Co-financing per partner: €