Lee County Electric Cooperative 2006 Hurricane Preparedness Plan
LCEC Service Territory 182,706 Customers 2,300 sq mi served in five counties 7,295 Miles of energized line
Hurricane Wilma Customer Impact (number without service following landfall)
General Approach Have comprehensive and updated plan in place and teams preparedHave comprehensive and updated plan in place and teams prepared Stage and immediately increase as required the skilled field complement (2x normal)Stage and immediately increase as required the skilled field complement (2x normal) Begin main feeder restoration work immediately following stormBegin main feeder restoration work immediately following storm Perform additional assessment activity in parallel with feeder restorationPerform additional assessment activity in parallel with feeder restoration
Media & Employee Communications Customer Communications Key Accounts EOC Restoration Prioritization Communication Restoration Outage Data Management Employee Pool Fleet Management Equipment Acquisition Repair & Maintenance Fuel Parts & Supplies Acctg. Support System Operations Feeders Laterals/Taps Graphics Assessment & Inventory Workload Mgmt. & Prioritization Contractor Coordination Field Logistics Support LCEC Crew Coordination Field Logistics Support Tree Trimming Restoration Coordination Communications Facilities Management Fleet Management Warehouse & Materials Technology Infrastructure IT Development IT Projects Information Technology FEMA Compliance IT Support Warehouse & Materials Staging Materials Distribution Acq. & Inv. Control Facilities Management Food Prep & Distribution Lodging Facilities Security & Technical Support Infrastructure Chairman Executive Steering Committee LCEC has a thorough, detailed plan and comprehensive restoration team structure.
PSC/Staff Concerns 1) All transmission facility inspections have been completed and issues addressed. 2) All transmission right-of-way inspections have been completed. Distribution right-of- way issues remaining after 2005 storms have been addressed. 3) All repairs identified in association with 2005 storms have been made.