Welcome to MSC Lectured by : Rachel 黎斑 Marketing Promotion Department Manager Mediterranean Shipping Company
Top 10 in the world The data of the shipping company ( From: Alphaliner Company ) 公司 NO. 全球运力份 额 TEU 总计艘数总 计 自有船舶 TEU 自有船舶 艘数 租赁船舶 TEU 租赁船舶 艘数 订造船舶 TEU 订造船舶 艘数 马士 基航 运 % 地中 海航 运 2 9.4% 达飞 轮船 3 6.4% 长荣 海运 4 5.2% 赫伯 罗特 5 4.4% 中海 集运 6 3.8% 中远 集运 7 3.8% 韩进 海运 8 3.5% 日本 邮船 %
Our company (Geneva, Switzerland) is a privately- owned company, founded in 1970 one of the leading global shipping lines of the world
During recent years MSC's maritime fleet has expanded substantially to consolidate its position in 2003 as the 2nd largest carrier in respect of container slot capacity and of the number of container vessels operated. Such spectacular growth has been achieved internally through organic growth rather than through acquisition or merger.
Quantity of vessels
Intake capacity
Quantity of Total TEU's carried
We believe in the importance of operating as independent carriers, responding quickly to your needs with prompt, effective and global solutions. With us you deal with a single, global and highly specialized company which is able to provide the necessary answers to all your particular transportation requirements. diegodrydock 干船
A Global Transportation SolutionA Global Transportation Solution Worldwide RoutesWorldwide Routes Worldwide AgentsWorldwide Agents 3 Parts
provides an unparalleled service network via dedicated own offices throughout the world and remains a truly independent and private Company able to respond quickly to market changes and implement long term plans, without unnecessary interference or delay.
As of End November '06, operating 315 container vessels with an intake capacity of 1,009,852 TEUs. With a streamlined management structure in Geneva, MSC has become a leading customer focused and cost effective global transportation solution for many shippers. Return
Worldwide Routes one of the few carriers able to offer worldwide coverage with one MSC bill of lading, allowing the rapid movement of goods through dedicated transshipment hubs. MSC therefore provides swift connections and efficient on-carriage services. MSC is the leading provider of direct port calls, serving the 6 continents and calling at 215 ports through 175 main direct and combined weekly liner services. return
In order to improve and control the quality of its various operations, MSC has established its own agencies all over the world run by an extremely dedicated and professional staff. MSC has also invested in crew training, shipyards, container workshops, ship planning centers and dangerous cargo management centers, which control the proper stowage of hazardous cargo worldwide through a very sophisticated MSC computer system. Worldwide Agents
The name of the vessel
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