The problems of the adult educational sector in Hungary through the activity of the Hungarian Folk High School Society
The Lisbon Strategy (2000) aims that the European Union should become the most competitive knowledge based society until 2010
The role of NGOs is not declared in the Hungarian adult educational law (2001)
Our most important insufficiencies where we have to fill up the gaps:
There is no national strategy for the development of the learning society There is no national strategy for the development of the learning society
There is no independent co- ordination and initiatives There is no independent co- ordination and initiatives
The role of civil society and NGOs is very weak The role of civil society and NGOs is very weak
The efficient use of the growing expenditure by the NDP and the EU is not ensured The efficient use of the growing expenditure by the NDP and the EU is not ensured
The principle of quality and achievment does not apply in the field of training The principle of quality and achievment does not apply in the field of training
The level of vocational training is too low and does not meet the requirements of the labour market The level of vocational training is too low and does not meet the requirements of the labour market
The closing up and the integration of the disadvantaged groups are late The closing up and the integration of the disadvantaged groups are late
The government does not urge enterprises through legal regulations to invest into training and education The government does not urge enterprises through legal regulations to invest into training and education
The new citizens of the EU in the acceded countries are waiting for a solution from the European Parliament
What would folk high schools like to offer?
In the beginning (150 years ago) the institution of folk high schools was founded for the values of ▪ community, ▪ solidarity, ▪ trust ▪ and love ▪
▪ Today folk high schools are based on ▪ individuals ▪ families ▪ and local communities to meet the requirements of our rapidly changing world
About the Hungarian Folk High School Society
We profess and believe in: ▪ learning can become a plesure and responsibility ▪ learning reaches beyond value-making
Hungarian Folk High School Society Budapest Link Office of the EAEA 1088 Budapest Puskin utca 12. I. em. Hungary Tel.: Fax: Web: