CAE/GAE modes – link to electron transport in MAST? A.R. Field 1, R.J. Akers 1, L. Appel 1, D. Dunai 3, H. Smith 2, M. Turnyanskiy, M.Valovic 1, E. Verwichte 2, S. Zoletnik 3, O. Zolotukhin 1 and the MAST team 1 Euratom/UKAEA Fusion Association, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, OXON, OX14 3DB, UK 2 Centre for Fusion, Space and Astrophysics, Dept. of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL. 3 RMKI/KFKI, Hungarian Association of Science, Budapest, Hungary ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work, carried out under the European Fusion Development Agreement, supported by the United Kingdom Engineering, Physical Sciences Research Council and the European Communities, has been carried out within the contract of Association between EURATOM and UKAEA. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission." ITPA Confinement and Transport Meeting 5 th -7 th October 2009 PPPL, USA
Introduction Fast magneto-acoustic modes: CAE or GAE modes in frequency range 0.2 < / ci < 1, ( ci /2 ~ 2-4 MHz) GAEs have k || >> k (shear), whereas CAEs have k >> k || (compressional) May resonate with electron transit frequencies resulting in stochastic losses? Core electron transport: Central T e profile (r/a < 0.3) is often observed to be flat in NBI heated discharges High electron heat diffusivity hard to explain by micro-instabilities driven by T e Fast-ion pressure profile peaked with typically P fast /P pl 0.3 High levels of high frequency MHD activity driven by fast-ions with v b ~ 2 v A Fast-ion diffusion: Anomalous fast-ion loss or slowing-down modified heating profile modified e TAE activity 50 kHz < f MHD < 300 kHz causes fast-ion redistribution and losses D fast 4 m 2 /s can be required to match neutron rate and W pl in TRANSP
ASTRA Transport Simulations (GLF23) Results: Match to T e for r/a > 0.4 Flat T e in core not reproduced Initial rise in core T i too slow Acceptable match to T i for r/a > 0.4 ExB shear stabilisation included GLF23 is not ideal for MAST O. Zolotukhin
Flat core T e in presence of CAEs OMAHA high-frequency coil array (B r,z, coils at 9 locations, 5 MHz, n 20) Modes at f ~ 0.8 MHz identified as CAEs from polarisation measurements CAEs typically observed MHz range with n = 4-10 CAEs
Polarisation of HF modes CAEs or GAEs are elliptically polarised, plane of polarisation Shear GAEs have, compressional CAEs have Polarisation measurements on MAST indicate high-frequency modes are CAEs In contrast, lower frequency TAE modes identified as shear modes Plane of polarisation Mode polarisation (e n.B 0 ~ 0) L C Appel, T. Fulop, et al., PPCF, 50 (2008)
Calculations of CAE eigenfunctions CAE mode structures calculated using cold, Hall-MHD equation for ST plasma Lower order modes - standing-waves, Higher-order modes - travelling waves Eigenmodes are radially extended peaking at r/a ~ 0.5 Decreasing the aspect ratio localises modes more to the outboard side H. Smith, E. Verwichte, PPCF, 51 (2009) B || eigenfunctions (n=5)Mode frequencies
Evidence for fast-ion redistribution Matching neutron rate and W pl requires assumption of D fast ~ 2 m 2 /s Fast-ion induced MHD results in redistribution of NBI power deposition Energy dependent D fast evoked in some cases, e.g. low-n e L-mode ‘ITB’ discharges Preferential loss of energetic fast-ions would reduce Q e (hence e ) and neutron rate (also sensitive to NBI species ratio, power calibration, etc) Planned FIDA and neutron camera diagnostics will help with interpretation
2010: Neutron Camera and FIDA system Fast-ion distribution: Important to diagnose fast-ion spatial and energy distributions Determines heating and momentum sources and NBI driven current density Neutron Camera: Neutron emission dominated by beam- thermal component Spatial profile sensitive to fast-ion distribution Four channel, proof-of-principle neutron camera for M8 FIDA Diagnostic: Measures spectrum of Doppler-shifted D emission from fast-ion CX neutrals Multi-channel system planned for M8 (EFDA Priority Support) Neutron Camera FIDA Spectrum
2010: 2D BES turbulence imaging system APD array 2D BES system for density turbulence measurements f 1 MHz, k r, 1.6 cm -1, k i 1, n e /n e few 0.1% Custom 8x4 channel APD camera Developed in collaboration with HAS at RMKI Budapest Pre-amplifier APD camera Interference filter In-vessel optics Mirror drive A.R. Field, et al., RSI, 80 (2009)
Summary & Outlook NSTX PRLs: Gates et al. (2001): Fast-ion driven CAEs fast-ion velocity diffusion enhanced ion heating Stutman et al. (2009): Fast-ion driven GAEs stochastic e - diffusion increased electron losses MAST results: Fast magneto acoustic modes identified as CAEs from polarisation Flat core T e profiles often observed in presence of fast-ion driven MHD Anomalous fast-ion redistribution/loss evoked for consistent interpretation Plans for 2010: Diagnose fast-ion distribution and refine interpretation of influence on transport Encourage further studies to characterise fast-ion driven MHD Dedicated experiments, e.g. power or energy scan, 2D BES measurements, etc