Implementing cross-border Free Route Airspace Ongoing JSPAI activities FRA Consultation on „Challanges and Opportunities” Budapest, 28 November 2014 Presented by : Zoltan Gati, Executive Advisor -HungaroControl and Aleksandar Djordjevic ATS Route Network Supervisor - Montenegro CAA Members of the JSPA Preparatory Team
Overview of this presentation Agenda II. Objective of this FRA consultation; Short presentation of JSPAI III. FRA Challenges and Opportunities: HUFRA, NEFAB, Danube, SMATSA IV: Lessons learnt and Recommendations
AGENDA 10:00 – 10:30: Welcome and objective of the seminar (by Z.G.) 10:30 – 11:00: The JSPAI and its regional significance (by A.Đ. JSPAI Prep.Team) 11:00 – 11:45: Planning Free Route Airspace implementation by Hungary (presentation by J.B. – HungaroControl) and Q&A 11:45 – 12:45: Lunch break 12:45 – 13:30: Planning and Lessons learnt in implementing inter-FAB Free Route Airspace by the Nordic States (by A.S. - NEFAB Project Manager) and Q&A 13:30 – 14:15: On-going regional FRA planning, Opportunities and challenges (presentation by D.T. H. – ROMATSA) and Q&A 14:15 – 14:30: Coffee break 14:30 – 15:00: Open discussions (the participants are welcome to present their FRA related on-going activities) 15:00 – 15:15: Wrap-up of the seminar
Objective of this FRA consultation To identify: Challenges & Opportunities; Learn from each others; Get to learn each others for possible future contacts. ZOLTÁN Air
Few words about JSPAI JSPAI is about regional cooperation, supported by Our partners: DG-MOVE and TAIEX ICAO RCC ISIS II. and SEETO
5 4 JSPAI’s participants ANSPs NSAs JSPAI’s participants CAA AL CAA KS Civil Aviation Authority of Albania Civil Aviation Authority of Kosovo* Civil Aviation Agency of Montenegro Civil Aviation Agency of the Republic of Macedonia National Transport Authority of Hungary¹ ALBCONTROL Macedonian Air Navigation (M-NAV) Prishtina International Airport “Adem Jashari” Air Control HungaroControl ZrT CAA AL CAA KS CAA ME CAA MK NTA HU * This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence. ¹ Hungary is invited to participate, as appropriate, in the JSPA Initiative based on the temporary role allocated by NATO for the normalization of the upper airspace over Kosovo*.
Governance of the JSPAI
STATUS of JSPAI priority projects
FRA Airspace Study is a JSPAI Priority Project „Development of Contemporary Utilization of SEE Airspace” Implement new technologies Training Regulation & oversight Working Areas Expected Outcomes Regional FREE Route Gate to Gate CO2 reduction & ATM Performance enhancement Implement new technologies Training Regulation & oversight PBN
Proposed Project Management Sturucture JSPAI Management Bodies & Prep. Team Project Manager Administrative support Nominated Operational and Technical Experts Regulatory contact person Risk Manager & SES Policy advisor
Presentations and lessons learnt
„Challanges & Opportunities” Examples – to be discussed New traffic flows/conflict points for ATCand new hand-over points Shorter routes reduced environment pollution Harmonization declared sector capacity/financial issues Free route Simplified flight planning and no „spider-type” ATS routes Civil-military coordination and Flow management Strenghten tactical/regional flow management
Lessons learnt and inputs for JSPAI FRA approach - To be concluded during this seminar - Lesson learnt
Thank you for your contribution and attention !