Many recorded prayers are worthy of repeating for ourselves.
Introduction It would be good to review prayers recorded in the Bible and choose thoughts to apply to our own conditions or situations. SO MANY TO CHOOSE FROM. Let us review one prayer for this lesson. Proverbs 30:7-9
v.7 Two things I asked of Thee Just two? I would think of so many more things than two. It would be hard to categorize and sub- categorize all these things and narrow them down to two things. But the writer of proverbs was wiser than most people, so let us look to his example.
Do not refuse me before I die; In order for this to happen, we must live righteously. We have the assurance from God that He will never leave or forsake any who are faithful. If we make the effort to be living as we should, God will not refuse any of us. However…
V8. Keep deception and lies far from me, Nobody likes to be lied to. Or at least they should not like it. As much as we might think that we would not want to know something bad, deception does not prevent such, and when we eventually learn the truth, we are hurt that we were not told immediately.
Give me neither poverty nor riches, We do not want to be poor, But we also realize too much is dangerous. The key is to learn to be content with what we have. Learn not to covet what others have. Learn not to be envious of others either.
Feed me with the food that is my portion. Not too much, not too little. Just right. We must learn to be satisfied just as much with a tuna fish sandwich as with a lobster dinner. Learn not to be wasteful, as there are others who are without.
An explanation Verse 9 gives us the reason for what was asked in verse 8. V9. Lest I be full and deny Thee and say, ”who is the LORD?” When we have enough, we need to remember God provided this meal, If we continue to be satisfied with what we have provided, we might begin to take credit.
An explanation Or lest I be in want and steal, and profane the name of my God.” Hunger is powerful, and can lead to several things for our basic survival. Including stealing food or other items we can use to buy food. Doing this will bring a bad reputation upon not only you, but your heavenly Father.
Conclusion Many prayers to choose from, Sometimes the most effective prayer is the simple prayer. Learn to be faithful to God, and God will not refuse you. Learn to be content with what you have, and your outlook on life will be simpler.