Adult Services
Vulnerable adults at risk or victim of abuse, neglect, or exploitation. Adults with disabilities who need assistance to remain in the community. Target Populations
Mission Protect vulnerable adults from further abuse, neglect, or exploitation, and enable disabled adults to remain in the community. Vision Investigations of abuse, neglect and exploitation will meet statutory requirements and quality assurance standards, and will be conducted in a timely manner by competently prepared and trained staff. Vulnerable adults will have ready access to the emergency and ongoing services needed to protect them from further abuse, neglect or exploitation. Each community will have a comprehensive continuum of services for disabled adults that meets their changing needs.
Protective Services Investigations: 38,560 calls to Hotline FY Frail elderly and disabled victims Risk assessment determines need for protection and additional services Emergency Placements Emergency services including medical assessments, nursing, counseling, medical treatment, and chore services Referrals to community agencies for ongoing in-home services Protective Supervision: 1,747 clients (425 placements) Short-term services designed to stabilize a situation and prevent further harm to victim Usually provided for up to 60 days, then case turned over to in-home community service provider for ongoing services Placement and Intervention: 10,619 clients Short-term case management services such as assistance with nursing home and assisted living facility placements and crisis intervention counseling Ongoing case management for elderly and disabled persons living in assisted living facilities and adult family care homes Case management for frail elderly and disabled persons for whom contracted community services may not be available, particularly in very rural areas
In-Home Community Services Community Care for Disabled Adults: 1,535 clients Age permanently and totally disabled Generally live in own home Need services such as homemaker, personal care, home delivered meals, and transportation No income or resource limitations Contracted services Home Care for Disabled Adults: 1,592 clients Age nursing home and income eligible Live with caregiver Receives monthly subsidy of approximately $100 per month Other services may be available depending on funding limitations; i.e., medical supplies, durable medical equipment such as hospital beds and wheelchairs. Services provided by agency staff Medicaid Waiver Services: 1,445 clients Age nursing home and income eligible Generally live in own home Need services such as homemaker, personal care, home delivered meals, and transportation Contracted services Adult Cystic Fibrosis: 170 clients Over age 18 Live in own home Need medical case management services, medical equipment, medications and caloric supplements Contracted services
Adult Services System 2000/2001
Major Initiatives Update and standardize all Adult Services policies and procedures. Update Adult Protective Services training program and ensure that the provision of training is consistent statewide. Collaborate with the Department of Elder Affairs for the provision of ongoing services to elderly victims of abuse, neglect, or exploitation. Assess the availability of community services for persons with disabilities in each district and develop partnerships with related agencies.
Performance Measures