©BANKSETA 2010 AGENDA BANKSETA Mission, Guiding Principles & Values Delivering on the NSDS Sector Strategic Imperatives Alignment to Future in Skills Development Viability & Relevance of the BANKSETA Efficient & Effective Administrative System Financial Highlights Other Highlights
©BANKSETA 2010 BANKSETA MISSION To support transformation and people development and, through partnerships to enable stakeholders to advance the national and global position of the broader banking and micro finance industry
©BANKSETA 2010 GUIDING PRINCIPLES Accelerate social transformation through skills development Leverage the skills levy funds for the strategic benefit of the sector and the NSDS Be cost-effective and co-source non-core delivery mechanisms Employ leading edge technology and best management practices Conduct research and benchmarking in order to improve the sector’s competitiveness through skills development Be a hub for sector collaboration
©BANKSETA 2010 BANKSETA VALUES Celebrating diversity Professionalism Innovation Team work Customer focus Respect Integrity
©BANKSETA 2010 Delivering on the National Skills Development Strategy Objective 1: Prioritising and communicating critical skills for sustainable growth, development and equity – 135% Career Guidance Project Sector Skills Plan
©BANKSETA 2010 Delivering on the National Skills Development Strategy Objective 2: Promoting and accelerating quality training for all in the workplace – 496% Mandatory Grants SME Support ABET Programme Learnerships for employees Skills Programmes for employees
©BANKSETA 2010 Delivering on the National Skills Development Strategy Objective 3: Promoting employability and sustainable livelihoods through skills development – 166% Support of NLPEs, NGOs, CBOs and Co-ops through Building a Better Business Programme
©BANKSETA 2010 Delivering on the National Skills Development Strategy Objective 4: Assisting designated groups, including new entrants to participate in accredited work, integrated learning and work based programmes to acquire critical skills to enter the labour market and self-employment – 118% Niche Learnerships for unemployed learners Letsema Kuyasa Thusanani Work Readiness Project CIDA Bursaries Bridging Programme for Learners with Disabilities New Venture Creation Programme
©BANKSETA 2010 Delivering on the National Skills Development Strategy Objective 5: Improving the quality and relevance of provision – 225% Provincial Centres of Excellence and Skills Resource Centres Support of providers to deliver the New Venture Creation Programme
©BANKSETA 2010 SECTOR STRATEGIC IMPERATIVES IEDP MFI Needs Analysis Master’s and Executive Short Courses Life Long Learning Initiatives Doctoral and Post Doctoral Funding ICT Banking Support Technician Benchmarking FAIS related initiatives HIV / AIDS Training Junior and Middle Management Programme
©BANKSETA 2010 ALIGNMENT TO THE FUTURE IN SKILLS DEVELOPMENT QCTO Project Research and benchmarking RPL German Dual Education System
©BANKSETA 2010 VIABILITY AND RELEVANCE OF THE BANKSETA Customer Satisfaction Survey 4.1 out of 5 Communications and Marketing –Development of advertising material –CI Manual –Global and local media reach –Internal publications –Improved brand awareness
©BANKSETA 2010 EMPLOYMENT EQUITY Occupational Levels MaleFemale Total ACIWACIW Executive1 1 Management Specialists Admin Support 6 6 Unskilled 2 2 Total29
©BANKSETA 2010 AN EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE ADMINISTRATIVE SYSTEM Governanceunqualified audit Administration 91% of allowed 10% admin Human resourcesbenchmarked HR practices Staff compliment of 29 Balanced Scorecardfully implemented BANKSETA Values4 out of 5
FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS The 80% levy income decreased by 0.4% from R329m for 2008/09 to R328m for 2009/10 Increase on discretionary grant expenditure from R98.9m in 2008/09 to R155m in 2009/10 The mandatory grant pay-out percentage was consistent at 96% (96% 08/09) BANKSETA has allocated 100% of surplus funds available for discretionary projects at 31 March 2010
FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 2009/10 Audited 2008/09 Audited Annual Financial StatementsR’000 SDL Levy Income – 80% Investment income Total revenue (including 80% levy income, NSF income, investment income etc.) Total expenses (including admin expenses, NSF expenses, grant and project expenses etc.) Net (deficit)/surplus(51 714) Cash and cash equivalents
FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Total surplus funds allocated: R662 million Total surplus funds spent: R567 million CUMULATIVER’000 Surplus funds available (A) Surplus funds allocated (B) (B) as % of (A)94%95%94%96%101% Surplus funds spent (C) (C) as % of (B)72%77%78% 85%
ETQA HIGHLIGHTS Introduction of a full time monitoring and site visit resource for the first time from 5 th January 2009 Launch of the new BANKSETA ETQA operating model (new processes and work flows, new policies, new templates & new checklists) on 1 st September 2009 Registration of first QCTO curriculum and qualification – for Bank Worker occupation