New VTE Section in DEx
POE Discharge Diagnosis A new section appears in DEx when a patient has one or more of the following discharge diagnoses: Deep venous thrombosis Pulmonary Embolism Thrombosis
New Section in DEx This new section displays when a patient has one or more of the above discharge diagnoses:
Documenting VTE Section The provider selects when VTE diagnosis was confirmed: Prior to admission During this admission Unknown When “Prior to admission” or “Unknown” is selected, no additional documentation is needed.
Documented as “During this admission” When “During this admission” is selected, additional documentation is needed. Providers can select: Earliest study which confirms VTE (e.g. DVT, PE) diagnosis Additional Test/Report Unknown
Earliest Study When Earliest study which confirms VTE (e.g. DVT, PE) diagnosis is selected, DEx will display available Cardiology/Radiology reports. It is required to select the test that confirmed the VTE diagnosis: Clicking the report link displays the actual report detail:
Additional Test/Report When Additional Test/Report is selected, the provider manually enters the test/results/findings. The date/time the VTE diagnosis was confirmed is required.
Unknown If the test to determine the VTE diagnosis is not known, an “Unknown” option is available.
Sample Display of Documented Section This new section prints on the paper discharge summary and is available in CDR/Results application in CAS.