Mission: Protect the Vulnerable, Promote Strong and Economically Self- Sufficient Families, and Advance Personal and Family Recovery and Resiliency. Charlie Crist, Governor Bob Butterworth, Secretary Independent Living Committee on Healthy Families January 8, 2008
2 Overview Brief history and background Children and Young Adults Eligible for Independent Living Services Federal and State Funding Independent Living Transitional Services Critical Checklist – Survey Results Comparing Outcomes for Young Adults Extending Foster Care Past Age 18
3 Brief History and Background Federal Law –Independent Living Program established (1986 ) Initially funded at $45 million – grew to $70 million –Chafee Foster Care Independence Program (1999) Capped entitlement of $140 million Requires 20% non-federal match States have flexibility within general purposes of law Permits states to extend Medicaid coverage to age 21 –Education and Training Vouchers (2001) Discretional funding around $46 million Up to $5,000 in federal funds for postsecondary education or training Requires 20% non-federal match
4 Brief History and Background State Law –Foster care services to complete high school or GED authorized up to age 21 (1980) –Expanded to include postsecondary education (1988) –Road to Independence Act (2002) Services for youth age 13 to 18 –Pre-Independent Living services (age 13 to 15) –Life skills services (age 15 to 18) –Subsidized independent living (age 16 to 18) Services for young adults age 18 to 23 –Aftercare support services –Road to Independence (with Medicaid to age 21) –Transitional support services
5 Brief History and Background State Law – Enhancements since 2002 have: –Expanded Road to Independence eligibility to include former foster children adopted after age 16 –Expanded Medicaid eligibility to age 21 for all former foster children –Provided liability exemptions to persons signing for foster child to get learners permit –Expanded definition of life skills to include financial literacy and credit management –Permitted courts to order that youth age 16 to 18 who have completed a financial literacy class may establish bank accounts –Established the Independent Living Services Advisory Council to make recommendations to the Legislature and Department
6 Funding Overview Federal funds for state fiscal year * –Chafee funds $7.4 million –ETV funds$2.6 million State funds for state fiscal year 2007 – 2008 –Required Match$2.5 million –Additional GR $14.9 million Total budget for State Fiscal Year 2007 – 2008 –Federal and State $27.4 million Legislative Budget Request for 2008 – 2009 –Additional State$16.8 million * Note that federal appropriation for federal fiscal year 2007 – 2008 has not been adopted. Federal funds currently under a continuing resolution.
7 Eligible Youth and Young Adults Potentially eligible (as of 12/21/2007) Age 13 to 184,685 Age 18 to 233,941 Road to Independence Number of 18 to 23 year olds receiving Road to Independence payments (as of October 2007) 1,520
8 Independent Living Survey Items included: Life Skills Housing Education Employment Health Corrections or Juvenile Justice Case Plan, Aftercare and Transitional Services 6,776Total surveys 4,014Under age 18 2,672 Age 18 and older
9 Selected Results 1 -1 Completed standardized life skills assessment (age 14) 63% 1-1 Completed standardized life skills assessment (age 17) 80% 1-2 Open and active bank account (age 17) 21% 1-4 Youth has children (females at age 17) 16% 1-6 Written plan for participation in age appropriate activities (age 17) 47% Life Skills
10 Selected Results 2-3 Youth has safe, affordable housing (age 18 and older) 84% 2-4 Youth age 16 or 17 has been formally evaluated for subsidized independent living 50% 2-5 Youth has spent at least one night homeless in past 12 months (under age 18) 7% 2-5 Youth has spent at least one night homeless in past 12 months (18 and older) 12% Housing
11 Selected Results 3-1 Youth is at or above grade level (age 13)60% 3-1 Youth is at or above grade level (age 17) 45% 3-2 Youth has passed grade level FCAT (age 17) 42% 3-3 If not on grade level is youth is receiving remedial education. 60% 3-6 Percent in school (all ages) 88% 3-7 Completed Grade 12, GED, apprenticeship, military or college (at 21) 75% Education
12 Selected Results 4-1 Percent with full time job (age 18 to 23)17% 4-1 Percent with any job (age 18 to 23) 63% 4-3 Percent with full time job who have benefits 43% 4-4 Average wage reported $7.45 Employment Note: Response rates on employment related questions were below most other areas of the survey
13 Selected Results 5-1 Health insurance coverage - Medicaid shown in parentheses (age 18 to 20) 93% (92%) 5-1 Health insurance coverage (age 21 and older) 56% (49%) 5-2 Received dental services in last year (age 13 to 17) 58% 5-2 Received dental services in last year (age 18 and older) 28% Health
14 Selected Results 6-1 Youth has been arrested in past 12 months (age 17) 31% 6-1 Youth has been arrested in past 12 months (age 18 and older ) 19% 6-2 Youth is currently on probation or under juvenile court supervision (age 17) 25% 6-3 Youth is currently incarcerated or has been incarcerated in within the paste 12 months (age 17) 19% 6-3 Youth is currently incarcerated or has been incarcerated in within the past 12 months (age 21) 13% Corrections or Juvenile Justice
15 Selected Results 7-1Youth has a reliable means of transportation to school or work (all ages) 81% 7-2 Youth has successfully completed drivers education (age 17) 10% 7-2 Youth has successfully completed drivers education (age 18) 20% 7-3 Regular drivers license (age 18) 12% 7-3 Regular drivers license (age 19) 40% Transportation
16 Selected Results 8-1 Case plan filed with the court (age 13 to 18)55% 8-1 Youth involved in case plan development (age 13 to 18) 29% 8-2 Youth has signed his or her independent living transition plan (age 17 and older) 64% 8-3 Youth connected to adult mentor (age 13 to 17) 29% 8-3 Youth connected to adult mentor (age 18 and older) 38% Case Plan, Aftercare and Transitional Services
17 The attached charts show a comparison of selected outcomes on survey respondents age 18 and older divided by whether the respondent received a Road to Independence payment in August Further Analysis
18 Percent Who Have Experience At Least One Night of Homelessness in Past Year Road to Independence: n=1,162 Not Road to Independence: n=1,049
19 Percent Who Have Completed Twelfth Grade or More Road to Independence: n= 1,128 Not Road to Independence: n=1,027
20 Percent Reporting Any Employment on Survey (Caution – High Number of Blank Entries) Road to Independence: n=697 Not Road to Independence: n=528
21 Percent With Any Earnings on Unemployment Insurance Wage Files Road to Independence: n=1,195 Not Road to Independence: n=1,256
22 Percent Who Have Been Arrested in the Past Twelve Months Road to Independence: n=1,182 Not Road to Independence: n=1,092
23 Foster Care Beyond Age 18 Can legislature do this?Yes Potential issues include: – funding (no additional federal funds). – licensure (foster homes and residential group care). There are advantages and disadvantages. Illinois has extended foster care with positive results.