Teamwork to Improve IT Productivity Dr. Chung Lee VP, Professor of CS Huree ICT University
Table of Contents What, why and how of Teamwork Theory and model Group Affinity CMMI-Team Conclusion
What is Team? Small Group Theory Multiple member composition small enough. – Everyone is important. – Everyone is contributing. – Each has different role and responsibility. – One member’s failure is fatal to total team. – Shared responsibility – No one is ignored.
Factors of Team Theory Small group principle Group composition Group balancing Group dynamics Personality Self Oriented Task Oriented Person Oriented Size determination Polya model Coleman model Balanced vs unbalanced relationship Competitive but cooperative as a single unit. Size consideration : 4 - 6
Size Factor
Decision Making Method Dictatorship -- done by a single individual in charge Oligarchy - By joint response of n members Unanimity -- Decision made only after every member agrees Fixed -- decision made by exactly n members Quorum -- if minimum n members agree, the decision is made. Minimal Quorum -- decision made if minimum 1 member agrees. Independent -- The decision is pre-made regardless of vote.
Teamwork Models A) Controlled Centralized (CC) --Chief programmer Team (Baker, 1972) Chief programmer -- Backup programmer Support staff, Programmers, Specialist, Support Technician, Librarian B) Controlled Decentralized (CD) – e.g Synchronized and Stabilize One leader who coordinates whole project. Give full liberty to each sub-team C) Democratic Decentralized (DD) Egoless team -- (Weinburg, 1971)
Models CC CD DD
Steps of Team formation Forming Storming Norming Performing Adjourning
Detail 1. Forming : Initial stage -- first meeting Orientation, introduction, exchange of logistic information 2. Storming -- Display of ideas, get ready to work conflict resolution, brainstooming--agree on the general strategy and procedures Selection of leader and decision of roles. 3. Norming -- Group interaction and effort (90% of group work) Coordinated work Standardized(accepted) behavior and approaches to the task Increase group cohesion 4. Performing -- Production phase (on-going) Necessary documents are finalized and the team is ready to work.
Formation Balanced vs unbalanced relationship Competitive but cooperative as a single unit. Size consideration : 4 - 6
Result Team affinity changes a lot. Personal relationship is important in deciding the team performance. One bad member makes whole team’s performance suffer.
CMM-CMMI CMM –Capability Maturation Model By Humphrey of SEI-CMU in 1980’s 5 levels 1. Initial : Producing 2. Repeatable : Consistent production 3. Defined : Organized and documented 4. Managed : Properly monitored and controlled 5. Optimized : Producing
CMMI Model Representations
So Many Models, So Little Time Software CMM Software CMM Systems Security Engr CMM Systems Security Engr CMM Systems Engr CMM Systems Engr CMM People CMM People CMM IPD CMM IPD CMM Software Acq CMM Software Acq CMM EIA 731 Different structures, formats, terms, ways of measuring maturity Causes confusion, especially when using more than one model Hard to integrate them in a combined improvement program Hard to use multiple models in supplier selection
Conclusion Modern IT is complex and teamwork is essential. Team need be properly managed. Group dynamics is important. More focus on teamwork is essential.
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