Peripheral Vascular Disease Megan McClintock
Peripheral Artery Disease Definition Etiology/Pathophysiology Signs & symptoms Complications Diagnostic studies Treatment
PAD Treatment Risk factor modification Drug therapy Exercise therapy Nutritional therapy Alternative therapy Careful care of the ischemic leg Interventional radiologic procedures –Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty –Stents Surgical therapy –Peripheral arterial bypass –Endarterectomy –Patch graft angioplasty –Amputation
PAD Interventions Nursing care plan (pg _____) Health Promotion –Risk prevention Acute –Postop care –Ankle-brachial index measurements –Avoid knee-flex positions Ambulatory/Home Care –Smoking cessation –Meticulous foot care
Venous Thrombosis Definition Etiology/Pathophysiology –Virchow’s triad Venous stasis Endothelial damage Hypercoagulability of blood Signs & symptoms –Superficial thrombophlebitis –Deep vein thrombosis
DVT Treatment Prevention –Early mobilization –TED hose –ICDs Non-pharmacologic therapy Drug therapy –Anticoagulants Unfractionated heparin Low molecular weight heparin Hirudin Coumarin compounds Surgical therapy
Venous Thrombosis Interventions Acute –Prevention of emboli formation –Reduction of inflammation Ambulatory/Home Care –Smoking cessation –Avoidance of constrictive garments –No BCPs or hormones –Avoid prolonged standing or sitting –Teach s/s of pulmonary embolism –Bleeding care
Venous Leg Ulcers Definition Etiology/Pathophysiology Signs & symptoms Treatment –Compression –Moist environment dressings –Nutritional status and intake –Observation for infection Nursing care –Proper foot and leg care –Avoiding standing/sitting –Elevate the legs
Pulmonary Embolism Definition Etiology/Pathophysiology Signs & symptoms Complications Diagnostic studies Treatment –Conservative therapy –Drug therapy –Surgical therapy