DRAFT Annual Parent Meeting Marks Elementary October 9th Mr. Jason Von Allman
DRAFT Agenda Welcome and Introductions Growing Up: What do we want for our children? Parental Involvement Standards and Testing School Safety
DRAFT Dreams to Reality What kind of person do you want your child to be:
DRAFT We All Want... The best for our children; A better future for them; Success in school and life; To be happy; To be a good citizen; To be respectful, honest, and hard working; and To make more money then we do.
DRAFT Education is the KEY
DRAFT Working Together! Parent Involvement How we can work together is listed in our: –Local Control Accountability Plan –Parent-School Compact –School Site Council –Parent Volunteer Group
DRAFT Local Control Accountability Plan Involve parents in a meaningful way in the development, implementation, and review of the district plan.
DRAFT Parent-School Compact As a teacher I will : -Provide High Quality Instruction -Communicate High Expectations -Motivate our students to learn As a Parent I will: -Talk to my child about the value of education - Communicate with the school when I have a concern -Respect the school, staff, students and families -Make sure my child is well rested and ready for the day As a Student I will: - Believe that I can and will learn - Come to school ready to learn
DRAFT Your involvement is Key to your child’s success! You are your child’s first teacher. You have the ability to influence your child’s education more than any teacher or school. You know your child best: –Share information about your child’s interests and abilities with teachers; and –Ask to see progress reports on your child and the school.
DRAFT Site Goals Implementation of Common Core State Standards Parent Workshops Technology in the Classroom Student Achievement on State Testing
DRAFT Common Core State Standards New way of learning Focus on Critical Thinking Skills
DRAFT Parent Workshops Character Counts Curriculum Anti-Bully Helping with that Homework Healthy Lifestyle Keeping your kids safe
DRAFT Technology in Education Chromebooks in the Classroom Computer Lab Projector/Document Cameras
DRAFT School Safety Student Safety is Priority # 1 Establish Safety Committee Bully Prevention Plan
DRAFT Thank you for attending. Be sure to attend next time as there will be door prizes and raffles drawings