1 a Dealing with Dollar $ workshop Children and Money
2 Canadians have record levels of debt Our instant gratification culture Good money habits last a lifetime Even young children can learn the value of money You don’t have to be a financial expert to teach good money management skills
5 Talking about money – yes, do it! Positive vs. negative – an asset or stress
6 Small steps and teachable moments… Start close to home Talk about money Use actual money Use every day examples
7 Chores or no chores?
8 Let them make mistakes Offer chances to earn extra income Take them to the bank to open their own account Let them see you making decisions about money Play games together Yard sale
9 Encourage teens to look for work Help them develop a budget from that job Discuss post secondary and career options Give them a budgeting task Credit cards and debit cards Prepaid cards Cell Phones Teach them about Identify Theft
10 Lots of options