Program Improvement/ Title I Parent Involvement Meeting October 9, :00 p.m. Redwood City School District
Educating every child for success.
Agenda I.Introductions II.RCSD Achievement III.Title I Information IV.Program Improvement Information V.Parent Involvement VI.Next Steps
RCSD Student Achievement and AYP Information
AYP Description Adequate yearly progress (AYP) and program improvement (PI) are part of the federal No Child Left Behind Act of Schools and school districts that do not make AYP for two consecutive years, as measured by the California assessment system (standardized testing and reporting or STAR), go into PI status. A school or district is eligible to exit PI if it makes AYP for two consecutive years.
AYP Requirements There are four sets of requirements to make AYP: 1) Student participation on statewide tests 2) Annual Measurable Objective (AMO): percentage of students scoring proficient or above (in ELA and Math) 3) API growth 4) Graduation rate (if high school students are enrolled) These criteria are also applied to numerically significant subgroups. If a school or district misses any one criterion of AYP, the school or district does not make AYP. Potentially, a school or district may have up to 46 different criteria to meet in order to make AYP.
AYP Requirements NCLB mandates that all students perform at the proficient or above level on state assessments in ELA and mathematics by California’s Annual Measurable Objectives are the minimum percentages of students who are required to meet or exceed the proficient level on the state assessments used for AYP. The AMOs will continue to rise every year so that by 2014, 100 percent of students in all schools and districts, and numerically significant subgroups must score at the proficient or above level.
AYP AMO Targets - ELA
AYP AMO Targets - Math
AYP Redwood City School District did not make AYP RCSD met 29 of 35 AYP criteria
2008 AYP Percent Proficient - RCSD
AYP AMO Charts AMO is displayed in these charts. A) District AYP AMO compared to state AYP – ELA B) District AYP AMO compared to state AYP – Math C) District Subgroup AYP AMO – ELA D) District Subgroup AYP AMO – Math To be considered numerically significant for the AYP, a subgroup must either: (1) have at least 50 students enrolled or with valid test scores who make up at least 15 percent of the school’s enrollment or total valid test scores, or (2) have at least 100 students enrolled or with valid test scores.
Title I Title I is part of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act. It provides funding to school districts that helps to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.
Title I The goals of Title I are accomplished through: instruction and assessment aligned to State standards meeting education needs of children who are low achieving in our high poverty schools closing the achievement gap between children who are disadvantaged and their more advantaged peers holding schools and district accountable for improving the academic achievement of all students insuring children access to sound, effective, scientifically-based instructional strategies providing staff the opportunities for professional development providing parents meaningful opportunities to participate in their children’s education
Program Improvement
Program Improvement Timeline Notify Parents (September) Hold Information Meeting (October) Convene district level team to analyze, assess and revise district academic plan (Oct/Nov) Present revised plan to school board (Dec)
Parent Involvement Update 2 Title I Parent Involvement meetings held last spring where we: -wrote proposed Parent Involvement Policy -brainstormed ideas to increase parent involvement
Proposed Parent Involvement Policy Draft policy is available for your review, it will go to school board later this year.
Proposed Parent Involvement Ideas and Actions Taken IDEA: More parent information meetings Program Improvement information meeting Parcel tax information meetings SUGGESTION: Don’t rely on backpack information We are using “Connect ED” calls to follow up letters that have been sent home We are using “Connect ED” calls to inform parents about meetings (tonight is an example)
Proposed Parent Involvement Ideas and Actions Taken IDEA: Make written information available to parents who can’t attend meetings Program Improvement letters sent home IDEA: Get feedback from parents on key issues Communications survey in “first day” packets Survey at parent/teacher conferences
How you can stay involved at the district level? Participate in District Program Improvement Committee Sign Up sheets available tonight!
Educating every child for success.