بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Shock & DIC By Dr. Ghada Ahmed Lecturer of pathology Benha Faculty of Medicine
Shock Generalized hypoperfusion due to Inadequate Effective circulating blood volume
Pathophysiology Hypoperfusion COP Effective circ blood volume
Types of shock Hypovolemic shock Cardiogenic shock Septic shock Others (Neurogenic shock, Anaphylactic shock)
Hypovolemic Shock Venous return Cardiac out putBlood flow O2 supply (Anoxia)
Cardiogenic shock MI Arrhythmias Coronary occlusion Outflow obstruction Failure of cardiac pump COP
Septic shock ( BP) Systemic VD Cardiac contractility Endothelial injury & activation Coagulation system ++ & DIC Endotoxin
STAGES OF SHOCK Initial non-progressive Progressive Irreversible
Morphology Effect on: Kidney Adrenal GIT Lung Brain
Clinical course In hypovolemic shock In septic shock
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulopathy
DIC Thrombo-hemorrhagic disorder chch by depletion of the elements required for hemostasis
Pathogenesis (A) Widespread endothelial damage Release of thrombogenic substance Obst complic Neoplasm Severe burn/ trauma Infection
Pathogenesis (B) ++coagulation PW Thrombi in microcirc Consumption of platelets & coag factors ++ fibrinolysis
Effects of DIC Widespread fibrin deposition in microcirc. Ischemia & hemolysis Depletion of platelets & coag factors Bleeding diathesis Microinfarctions Multiple organ failure
Morphology No organ is spared: Kidney Brain Heart Pituitary