What time is it? Miss. Rat. It’s one o’clock. Hicriry dicriy dock, the mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck one, the mouse ran down, hicriry dicriry dock.
What time is it? Miss.Cow. It’s two o’clock.
What time is it? Miss.Tiger. It’s three o’clock.
What time is it? Miss.Rabbit. It’s four o’clock. Rabbit, rabbit, hop, hop, hop.
What time is it? Miss.Dragon. It’s five o’clock. Dragon, dragon, fly, fly, fly.
What time is it? Miss.Snake. It’s six o’clock. Snake, snake, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.
What time is it? Miss.Horse. It’s seven o’clock. Horse, horse, run away.
What time is it? Miss.Goat. It’s eight o’clock. Goat, goat, eat the grass.
What time is it? Miss.Monkey. It’s nine o’clock. Monkeys, monkeys, climb up the tree.
What time is it? Miss. Hen. It’s ten o’clock. Hens, hens, lay eggs.
What time is it? Miss.Dog. It’s eleven o’clock. Dogs, dogs, no barking.
What time is it?Miss.Pig. It’s twelve o’clock This little pig cries wee wee wee wee all the way home.