World summit on the information society World Summit on the Information Society An overview of the Summit and the Preparatory Process.


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Outline of Presentation
Presentation transcript:

world summit on the information society World Summit on the Information Society An overview of the Summit and the Preparatory Process

world summit on the information society Plan of the presentation  The challenge  UN Resolution  The framework  Proposed themes  The preparatory process  Participation  Next steps  Proposed outcome of the Summit

world summit on the information society Welcome to the WSIS K. Annan Y. Utsumi

world summit on the information society The Challenge (1) The modern world is undergoing a fundamental transformation as the industrial society that marked the 20 th century rapidly gives way to the information society of the 21 st century. This dynamic process promises a fundamental change in all aspects of our lives.

world summit on the information society The Challenge (2) “ The Internet is a communication medium that allows, for the first time, the communication of many to many, in chosen time, on a global scale. As the diffusion of the printing press in the western world created what McLuhan called the ‘Gutenberg Galaxy’, we have now entered a new world of communications: the Internet Galaxy” (Source: Manuel Castells, The Internet Galaxy, OUP, 2001)

world summit on the information society The Challenge (3)  The WSIS is the first time that all Governments of the world assemble at a UN Summit to discuss the issues of the Information Society and the Digital Divide.  The Summit is to harness synergies and to create cooperation among the various ICT-initiatives at the regional and the global level and shall promote and foster the potential of ICT for development.

world summit on the information society Resolution A/RES/56/183  Potential of knowledge and technology for promoting the goals of the UN Millennium Declaration.  To put this potential at the service of development for all.  Called for a meeting at the highest political level, for the development of a common vision and understanding of the Information Society.

world summit on the information society Resolution A/RES/56/183 cont’d  Summit convened under the patronage of the SG of the UN with the ITU taking the lead role, along with other UN bodies, international organizations, as well as the host countries Switzerland and Tunisia.  Encouraged participation of the private sector and the civil society in the Summit and its preparation.  Invited the international community to make voluntary contributions to the special trust fund for the Summit.

world summit on the information society The framework (1) 10 to 12 December 2003 The first phase of the World Summit will take place in Geneva, hosted by the Government of Switzerland from 10 to 12 December 2003 It will address the broad range of themes concerning the Information Society and adopt a declaration of principles and an Action plan.

world summit on the information society The framework (2) The second phase of the World Summit will Tunis 16–18 November 2005 take place in Tunis 16–18 November 2005 hosted by The Government of Tunisia. Development themes will be a key focus in this phase and the Tunis Summit will assess the progress that has been made and adopt any further Action Plan to be taken.

world summit on the information society Proposed themes (1) Vision: What is the shared vision of the information society? What framework can the international community develop to ensure that the possible benefits of ICTs for development are maximized while the possible obstacles and barriers are minimized?

world summit on the information society Proposed themes (2) Access: How can the benefits of ubiquitous and affordable ICTs be extended to all the world’s inhabitants? How can we assist those that have access to ICTs to use them effectively?

world summit on the information society Proposed themes (3) Applications: The development of ICTs has implications for economic, social and cultural development. How can ICTs be leveraged to help promote the common goals of humanity, such as those expressed in the UN Millennium Declaration?

world summit on the information society The Preparatory Process for Geneva 2003 At the global level PrepCom-1Geneva 1-5 July 2002 PrepCom-1 : Geneva 1-5 July 2002 PrepCom-2Geneva February 2003 PrepCom-2 : Geneva February 2003 PrepCom-3 : Geneva, Sept. 2003

world summit on the information society The Preparatory Process for Geneva 2003 At the regional level, the following Regional Preparatory Conferences have taken place: Africa – Bamako November 2002 Europe – Bucharest 7-9 November 2002 Asia Pacific – Tokyo January 2003 Latin America & Caribbean – Bavaro January 2003 Western Asia – Beirut 4-6 February 2003

world summit on the information society Participation (1) Can participate as observers:  Entities and international organizations having received a standing invitation from the UNGA  Specialised agencies and other intergovernmental organizations  Accredited NGOs and civil society entities  Sector members of ITU and accredited business sector entities

world summit on the information society Participation (2)  NGOs, civil society and business entities accredited may designate representatives to sit as observers at plenary and Sub- committee meetings of the PrepComs  Governments will decide on similar rules for the observers in the Summit

world summit on the information society Participation (3)  The Summit will consist of two parts: an intergovernmental part and a platform for events organized by Governments, International Organizations, NGOs, civil society, business sector entities and multi- stakeholder partnerships.  More information about Platform Events are available at and at

world summit on the information society Next steps (1)  The working papers on a Draft Declaration and a Draft Action Plan were published on the WSIS website ( on  Open for comments until Comments of observers will be published on the WSIS website.  A formal intersessional meeting at UNESCO Paris in July (dates TBD) will refine the working documents. These new texts will be input for PrepCom-3

world summit on the information society Next steps (2)  PrepCom-3 (Sept 15 to 26) will finalize the Draft Declaration of Principles and the Draft Plan of action.  PrepCom-3 will decide on the Rules of Procedure for the Summit and the arrangements for participation of observers.  PrepCom-3 will also decide the format of the intergovernmental part of the Summit

world summit on the information society Proposed outcome of the first phase of the Summit  A Declaration of Principles on the Information Society  A Plan of Action for all stakeholders involved

world summit on the information society website: Thank you for your attention