Unit2. Let’ s review and learn What were you doing at five yesterday afternoon? What were you doing when your dad or mom returned home? I was ---ing when.


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Presentation transcript:


Let’ s review and learn What were you doing at five yesterday afternoon? What were you doing when your dad or mom returned home? I was ---ing when he/she returned home. What was …doing when I studied by myself on the computer? …was …ing when I studied by myself on the computer.

Was xx V-ing? e.g. Was Tom having a bath when I taught myself at this time yesterday? What were your classmates doing when you taught yourself at this time yesterday?

What kinds of books have you read so far? What kind of books do you like best? Why? Have you ever read fairy tales ( 童话故事 )?

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. a fairy tale (童话故事)

Who is the writer? English a writer in 1865 wrote Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland He is Lewis Carroll. a math teacher ['lu:is]

the March Hare( 三月兔) Still remember the characters ( 角色 ) in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland? Who are they? the Mouse

the White Rabbit the Cheshire Cat (柴郡猫) ['t ʃ e ʃ ə] the Mad Hatter (帽匠)

The Red QueenThe Red King

tiredpocket field daisy chain a daisy chain Let’s learn

go across fence 篱笆 hedge 树篱

the White Rabbit strange What else is strange about White Rabbit? a pocket watch

It was looking at a pocket watch. It was standing. It was wearing clothes. It could speak English.

Let’ s read the story on Page 44. Loudly, clearly and fluently. [‘flu:əntli] adv. 流利地

1.Alice and her brother were sitting by the river. sister 2.Her sister was sleeping. reading a book 3.Alice thought her sister’s book was boring because there were no pictures or conversations. 4.Alice saw a white rabbit with black eyes. pink 5.Alice saw the rabbit go down a large rabbit hole behind the hedge. under 6.Alice didn’t go down the large rabbit hole. went F F F F F T Tell T or F.

1.What was Alice doing while her sister was reading? 2.Why didn’t Alice like her sister’s book? 3.What did Alice want to do when she saw a strange rabbit run by her? She had nothing to do. Because it had no pictures or conversations. She wanted to run after it. Read it again and answer the questions.

5.Where did Alice and the rabbit go? 6.Did she think about going out again? They went across a field and down a large rabbit hole under the hedge. No, she didn’t. 4.What did the rabbit say? The rabbit said, “ Oh dear! Oh dear! I’ll be late !”

Please read after it for three times.

think of / suddenly/ pink/ run by take out/ look at/ late get up/ strange/ run acrossa rabbit hole/ hedge/ go down One day, Alice and her sister were sitting by the river. Her sister was reading,but Alice had nothing to do …

Alice and her sister were sitting 1) ______ the river. Her sister was 2)________ but Alice had 3) _______ to do. Suddenly a white rabbit 4) _____ pink eyes 5) _____ past her. Alice felt very 6) _______ when she saw the rabbit 7) ______ out a watch from its pocket. Alice ran quickly 8) ______ the field 9) _____ the rabbit. The rabbit went into a rabbit 10) _______and Alice followed. by reading nothing withran strange take across after hole

1.Alice was getting very tired. She was sitting by the river and her sister was reading a book. get / be tired 累了 ; 疲劳 by the river 在河边 by 在 … 旁边 ( 相当于 near) 我站在窗户旁边. I stood by the window.

2. Alice had nothing to do. 艾丽丝无事可做。 ① nothing 是不定代词,其后接不定式 , 表示 “ 可(做)的 …… (事) ” ,类似的 表达法: have something to do 有事可做 have something to eat 有可吃的东西 have nothing to drink 没有什么喝的

② nothing 表否定,相当于 not anything There is nothing in the box. =There isn’t anything in the box. ③ have something/ nothing to do with sb. / sth. 与某人 / 事有关 / 无关 Don’t look at me like that. I have nothing to do with it. 不要那样看着我,此事与我无关。

3. “And what is a book for,” thought Alice, “without pictures or conversations?” “ 连插图和对话都没有 ” ,艾丽丝想, “ 这书还有什么意思呢? ” what…for 是不理解对方的动机或询问对 方的目的和用意时的用语,for 放于句末。 what …for 相当于 why, 但 what…for 侧重 提问目的,用不定式或 for 短语回答; why 侧重于提问原因,用 because 回答。

4. But when the rabbit took a watch out of its pocket and looked at it. take sth out of 将某物从 … 中取出来 他把书从书包中取出来。 He took his book out of the schoolbag. take off 脱下 ; ( 飞机 ) 起飞 take back 收回 ; 撤销 take away 拿走 take down 记录

e.g. Look carefully before you go across the road. They built a bridge across the river. Light comes in through the window. across 与 through 的区别 : across 意为 ” 穿过, 横过 ”, 侧重表面穿过, 与 on 有关 ; through “ 穿过, 从 …… 中通过 ” 侧重空间 穿过, 与 in 有关 。

疑难问答 【问】 And she didn’t think it was strange when she heard the rabbit say,... 请问 heard the rabbit say 能不能改成 heard the rabbit to say ?

【答】 不可以。 hear sb. 后可以跟 do sth. 或 doing sth. ,但不能跟 to do sth. 。 hear / see / notice sb. do sth. 强调听到 / 看到 / 注意到某动作发生的全过程; 而 hear / see / notice sb. doing sth. 则强调 听到 / 看到 / 注意到某动作正在发生。

例如: I saw him cross the street. 我看见他穿过了马路。 I saw him crossing the street. 我看到他正在过马路。

根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 1. We have worked for a day. Now we are very t____. 2. There is n______ in the fridge. 3. My parents are busy working in the f____. 4. Is the ticket in your p_____? 5. -How many times have you been here? - Only o____. ired othing ield ocket nce

根据汉语完成句子。 1. 艾丽丝正和她姐姐坐在小河边。 _______________________________ . 2. 我正考虑作一张卡片。 _______________________________ . 3. 他从他的口袋里拿出一支钢笔。 _______________________________ . Alice was sitting with her sister by the river I’m thinking of making a card He took a pen out of his pocket

4. 我看见他进了教学楼。 ________________________________. 5. 她跟着那只兔子越过那片地。 _________________________________ . 6. 昨天上午7点你在做什么? _________________________________ ? She ran across the field after the rabbit What were you doing at 7 am yesterday I saw him enter the teaching building

Can you guess what happened after Alice fell down the hole.

Alice came down on something that was not very hard. She (1) _____ (sit) up quickly. She could still see the white rabbit, far away along the rabbit hole. sat Let’s see what happened after Alice fell down the hole. Please complete the story with the correct form of the words.

“Run!” Alice told (2) ______ (her), and she ran quickly after the white rabbit. “Oh, my ears!” she heard him (3)______ (say). “How late it’s getting!” Then he went quickly through a rabbit hole. Alice ran into a long hall, and she could not see the white rabbit. herself say

There (4)______ (be) doors on every side of the hall, but she could not open any of (5)_____ (they), and she could not find the way to go out. “What should I do?” she thought. Then she saw a little glass table. And there was a very small (6)_____ (gold) key on it. were them gold

“Will it open one of the (7) _______ (door)?” She went to all the doors, but the key was too small to open any of them. “It must open something,” she told herself. Then she (8)______ (see) a very little door, behind one of the big doors. The little key (9) ______ (open) it. Alice put her head down and looked through it. doors saw opened

She could see a very beautiful garden. There were a lot of flowers and grass, and she wanted to go there. But the door was much too small. (10)______ (sad) she closed it and put the key back onto the table. Sadly Can you continue the story?

A fairy tale is a good friend for me; It gets me through the hard times, the sad times, and the confused times; If I am tired, it takes me to a fantastic world; If I am sad, it gives me sweet dreams every night; If I fail, it tells me to be an ugly duckling Never give up and smile at the life! It also tells me that: There is really an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it in the world. Trust yourself!