Wham! The Edge of Grammar Heaven Making grammar more interesting!
Ideas for activities Battleships Battleships Dice games Dice games Team games: Où sont les vaches? Team games: Où sont les vaches? Running commentary Running commentary Grammar auction Grammar auction Pass the parcel Pass the parcel
Battleships: French
Battleships: German
Dice games
Team games: ¿Dónde están las vacas?
Running Commentary Pupils work in pairs Pupils work in pairs One person is the “runner”, whilst the other is the “scribe” One person is the “runner”, whilst the other is the “scribe” Paragraph of text on wall Paragraph of text on wall First team to accurately transfer the content of the paragraph onto a piece of paper First team to accurately transfer the content of the paragraph onto a piece of paper
Running Commentary
Grammar Auction Grammar Auction in five easy steps
Grammar Auction Step 1: Introduce the concept of a grammar auction in the target language with visual slides + a few key expressions in TL and English Step 1: Introduce the concept of a grammar auction in the target language with visual slides + a few key expressions in TL and English Step 2: Present the envelope of “goodies” (sentences, money + bidding card) in the target language, by holding up each item as you explain it Step 2: Present the envelope of “goodies” (sentences, money + bidding card) in the target language, by holding up each item as you explain it Step 3: Pupils have ten minutes as mixed ability groups (you have already chosen the groups) to discuss the sentences: i.) are they correct? ii.) how much are they prepared to bet on that? Pupils will inevitably discuss in English, but award bonus money to groups you hear using the TL Step 3: Pupils have ten minutes as mixed ability groups (you have already chosen the groups) to discuss the sentences: i.) are they correct? ii.) how much are they prepared to bet on that? Pupils will inevitably discuss in English, but award bonus money to groups you hear using the TL
Grammar Auction Step 4: Conduct the grammar auction in the target language, and pupils “bet” by holding up the card for their table Step 4: Conduct the grammar auction in the target language, and pupils “bet” by holding up the card for their table Step 5: Switch to English for the final part where you work through the sentences as a class to discuss if they are grammatically right or wrong, and how to correct the false ones. The team which has successfully bought the most “correct” sentences wins (in the event of a draw, the team which managed to buy the most correct sentences for the least money wins) Step 5: Switch to English for the final part where you work through the sentences as a class to discuss if they are grammatically right or wrong, and how to correct the false ones. The team which has successfully bought the most “correct” sentences wins (in the event of a draw, the team which managed to buy the most correct sentences for the least money wins)
Pupil packs In each envelope, there should be: Bidding card for the team Bidding card for the team 2 sets of ten sentences 2 sets of ten sentences Envelope containing 150 euros Envelope containing 150 euros
Grammar Auction
Pass the Parcel A series of key questions on cards in a bag A series of key questions on cards in a bag Play the music Play the music When it stops, pupil takes card and asks the person to their right the question. They must answer When it stops, pupil takes card and asks the person to their right the question. They must answer
Any questions?