Individualized Education Programs Special Education Laws Made Simple November 2013 – Austin, Texas National Business Institute Presented by Sarah S. Flournoy, J.D., Ed.D. Of Counsel, West & Associates, LLP
- Individualized - Education - Program
Team Meetings Admission, Review, & Dismissal Parent of child Regular Educator of Child Special Educator of Child Representative of LEA/District Individual who can interpret data Child (where appropriate) Others Invited by Parents Transition Services Other service providers
Parent Participation Critical Members of ARD Committee – Child’s interests and goals – How school skills are transferring to home Intimidation Factor Generally – 5 to 1 ratio at minimum – LEA/District home court – Education vernacular unfamiliar – Role unclear
IEP Development Process/Components Keep the horse in front of the cart!
Include in IEP 1.Now (PLAAFP) 2.Goals going Forward 3.State Assessments 4.How and when progress measured 5.Statement of services 6.Out of mainstream 7.Accommodations necessary to measure achievement & performance 8.Projected date for beginning services and anticipated frequency, location and duration of those services
Q: What if you forget a piece of the IEP? A: Probably okay if student is showing positive academic and non-academic benefits R.P. v. Alamo Heights, 60 IDELR 60 (5 TH Cir. 2013)
IEP Implementation Responsible for successful implementation – Fully informed – Technical assistance – Training
Amending IEPs ARD meeting Agreement of student’s parent(s) and district Reviewed at least annual or upon request
Transition Requirements Facilitate movement beyond high school Federal law says at 16, Texas says 14 ARD committee now include – Service providers – Child
Extended School Year (ESY) As necessary to ensure FAPE Cannot be for only certain abilities Cannot unilaterally limit ARD committee must make certain findings
-Individualized -Team developed -Horse before cart -Education -FAPE -Implementation -Program -Services -Goals -Measurements of Progress
Questions? Sarah S. Flournoy, J.D., Ed.D. Of Counsel, West & Associates, LLP 320 South R. L. Thornton Frwy, Suite 300 Dallas, Texas