Centro Latinoamericano para la Competitividad y el Desarrollo Sostenible
¿What is INCAE? INCAE is a private, non-profit multinational institution dedicated to education and research, in the areas of management, applied economics and sustainable development INCAE is the leading business schools in Latin America, educating its decision-makers and supporting private and public policy- makers in finding and implementing solutions to their problems Centro Latinoamericano para la Competitividad y el Desarrollo Sostenible
What does INCAE offer? Education of national and regional leaders An independent think-tank chartered to solve problems of the business communities and governments of the region, working on areas of the business environment, competitiveness and sustainability The preservation and promotion of values for the development process, including excellence, leadership, ethics, freedom, and sustainability A model for other organizations in the region Centro Latinoamericano para la Competitividad y el Desarrollo Sostenible
CLACDS Mission The Latin American Center for Competitiveness and Sustainable Development was created in order to support leaders in the private, public and civil sector in their efforts to implement changes towards sustainable development. Centro Latinoamericano para la Competitividad y el Desarrollo Sostenible
Our vision of Sustainable Development …. a prosperous country, where conditions for the operation of firms can provide the vast majority with satisfactory living conditions. …. an equitable country, without people living in extreme poverty, where social mobility and opportunity are present …. a mature country, where law, justice, democracy and safety are ensured …. a sustainable country, that preserves its share of the world’s natural endowment, with stable social and environmental platforms supporting prosperity Centro Latinoamericano para la Competitividad y el Desarrollo Sostenible
Our areas of work National and regional competitiveness agendas Small and Medium Enterprises Free Trade Rural Development Digital technologies for community development Centro Latinoamericano para la Competitividad y el Desarrollo Sostenible
If we want to grow, digital technologies are a necessary condition Basis to develop innovation: Attracting investment in high technologies Educated population that can use, appropriate and create new technology Factor-Driven Economy Input Cost Investment-Driven Economy Efficiency Innovation-Driven Economy Unique Value The Global Competitiveness Report
INCAE Digital Nations Enhance life conditions of Central American communities through the use and design of digital tools and methodologies that foster creativity, entrepreneurship, and the sustainable growth of productivity Mission To become catalyst in a regional spectrum of the digital technologies’ use for comunities’ development Vision
IDN Working Projects Centro Latinoamericano para la Competitividad y el Desarrollo Sostenible Lincos: advice and support Computer Clubhouse: promotion Learning Independence Network LIN Digital Path Marketplace of ideas
Learning Independence Network LIN Mission: Develop local capacity to design -- through interdisciplinary research -- relevant digital solutions (hardware, software and methodology), to improve the quality of education, healthcare and life in underserved communities. Potencial partners: Academia, public and non-governmental sectors.
Learning Independence Network LIN The dialogue and constant communication amongst the different partners in the Network is vital for its sustainability and success. FAB LAB brings the programmability of the digital world to the physical world through the development of technologies to personalize fabrication rather than computation, by using table-top means to make logic, sensing, actuation, and displays as well as mechanical structures.
LIN - ES LIN – CR Esperanza Costa Rica Institute of Technology (TEC) National Institute of Biodiversity (INBIO) INCAE Scientific High Schools Ministry of Education MIT CIENTEC Costa Rica University (UCR) Don Bosco University Other Universities (Shools of Education) INCAE Technical High Schools / CRAs Ministry of Education García Flamenco High School MIT FUSADES
Digital Path ICTs 4 Community Development Reinforcing rural community development in the region comprised in the Puebla-Panama Plan. This will be done through the innovative use of digital technologies and participatory learning methodologies. The program will be structured with three components: support to social development; development of materials and contents to use digital technology in rural areas, and program dissemination.
Digital Path ICTs 4 Community Development The key idea is using technology as a means to developing learning abilities and to appropriate useful knowledge to develop individuals and organizations making up the community. The goal is solving from their origin problems related to a low degree of development in rural areas, turning communities into the main players of their own development process. The benefits from the program are twofold. First, there is a direct effect on the social, economic, and environmental development of 40 communities in the region comprised in the Puebla-Panama Plan. Second, as a farther-reaching benefit, the program will allow developing materials and models to use information and communication technologies in rural areas.
Marketplace of Ideas New, unorthodox approach to community work and to microeconomic development. Promising method to enhance the usefulness and sustainability of telecenters. Social network analysis to guide deployment. Digital tools to enhance social connectivity. Digital weaver to promote a better and richer marketplace of ideas. Social Networks Market of Ideas ICTs Digital Weaver
Centro Latinoamericano para la Competitividad y el Desarrollo Sostenible