Demonstration project (extended) ended in December children continued to receive Title IV-E guardianship subsidies at the time of demonstration project ended. (December 2008). These children are grandfathered into the current Guardianship Assistance Program.
DEMONSTRATION PROJECT Special needs criteria All children referred (including siblings) had to be Title IV-E eligible and receiving Title IV-E foster care payment Random selection 2:1 ratio control group: experimental group CURRENT PROJECT Eliminated special needs criteria Primary child meets Title IV-E criteria, siblings can assume Title IV-E eligibility under primary child. No control groups, all eligible children are referred.
DEMONSTRATION PROJECT Subsidy Limited to cash payment Re-negotiation not allowed No post-guardianship services Prospective guardians Initial background checks acceptable Licensed provider at time of guardianship finalization CURRENT GAP Subsidy Cash payment Nonrecurring costs Educational stability requirement Referral to post-guardianship services Prospective guardians Requires updated background checks Provider must be fully licensed 6 months prior to guardianship finalization
Policy Manual Admin. Rules Changes to reflect current federal language (pending) Form revisions/modifications Subsidy agreement Guardianship agreement Amend Title IV-E Plan
Medicaid State Medicaid statute requires an amendment Tribal Contracts Negotiations in process regarding changes from demonstration project to new GAP program
Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services – Child and Family Services Division ( Sarah Corbally – Program Bureau Chief Jackie Stoeckel – Foster Care Program Manager